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Quotes / Prolonged Prologue

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Theoden: And so it begins...
Bill Corbett: So, the first two and a half hours were prologue?!

"And now that we've concluded one of the longest scene-setting introductions in comic book history, let's see if we can get our story going while we're still young enough to care..."
—- Narrator, The Amazing Spider-Man #86note 

Half an hour of cutscenes and tutorials later, and we're only now getting to the prologue. Yep, this is a JRPG, alright!

(to the tune of the Star Wars theme)
Spoony and Linkara: Boooring! This is so boooring! This is so boooring! Get to the show!

Thus brings us to the end of chapter one. The next chapter starts Wednesday and I promise it will take less than 18 years.

Producer: Sure, okay, that's a nice quick message to start the movie off.
Screenwriter: It's going to take a full eleven minutes.
Producer: Oh my god.
Screen Rant Pitch Meetings on the prologue sequence that establishes the aesop of Wonder Woman 1984
