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Quotes / Press X to Die

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Alex Trebek: Let's just go with Don't Do Anything. The answer is: "Don't do anything." Don't ring your buzzer. Just remain motionless, and you all win.
(Ozzy Osbourne rings in)
Alex: Mr. Osbourne, you just lost!
Celebrity Jeopardy, Saturday Night Live

This will kill you. Don't do this.

Rage against the light of dying
You will not go gently. On all mortality's behalf, you will mount a (certainly futile) attack on death itself.
Game note: This will kill you more thoroughly, perhaps, than anyone has ever been killed.

That was not very smart. You're dead. Thanks for playing.
Peasant's Quest, when you type "die" into the command box

1. "Are you aware that if you go ahead to the last screen and press the 'Yes' button, you will be given a lethal dose of medications and die?"
2. "Are you certain you understand that if you proceed and press the 'Yes' button on the next screen that you will die?"
3. "In 15 seconds you will be given a lethal injection… press 'Yes' to proceed."
Deliverance Machine, a real-world euthanasia device

I just love it when video games let you do really stupid shit that kills you immediately. I love being like "oh this is a terrible idea" and being able to do it and then die. It's good game design.
