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Quotes / Phrase Catcher

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Anime and Manga

"He's HUGE!"
Everyone who meets Jumbo, Yotsuba&!

Comic Books

"It's no use..." I'm getting REALLY tired of people saying that.
Silver the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)


Fu: So, are you going to ask me what do they feed me?
Gaara: Why should I ask such a thing?
Fu: I dunno. Everybody does. Usually after they beat me into the ground just like you did. I don't know what it has to do with anything, but it has been a thing since I got here.

Transceiver: BWAAAAAAAAAH!
Cross: I love this thing...
Everyone: WE KNOW!
— a typical occurrence with the foghorn button, This Bites!


"That's your answer to everything."
Several people in The Big Lebowski

"Carter, you dick!"
Several characters, Final Destination


Alvin of Alvin and the Chipmunks, in response to Dave shouting his name.


Live-Action TV

— Every major character anytime Norm Peterson walks into the titular bar in every episode of Cheers ever.

"It's Bigger on the Inside!"
Almost anyone who first enters the TARDIS in Doctor Who

Vastra: It's the same story every time. And it always begins with the same two words.
Doctor: She'll never be able to find me again. She doesn't even have the name: Doctor. What two words?
(Clara's head appears through the hatch in the roof.)
Clara: Doctor? Doctor who?
Doctor Who, "The Snowmen"

Villain: Bastard! Who the hell are you?!
What a guy!
— How pretty much everyone refers to Ace Rimmer (except for normal Rimmer).

"Why does everyone keep talking about my ARSE??!"
Daisy Steiner, Spaced

Web Animation

Chat: Are you winning, son?
Roberu Yukoku: YEAH!

Ruby: Hey, Sun!
Sun: Ruby. Yang. Blake. Ice Queen.
Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that?!
RWBY, Welcome to Beacon

Web Comic

Web Video

No, Mako, this is coming straight from the heart. You are not a freaky fish guy, Mako; you are the freaky fish guy. And that is why people love you, because you gave us something special, something most Yu-Gi-Oh! characters don't even have: You gave us a catchphrase.
Joey Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series

Western Animation

Hellooooooo, Nurse!
— The Animaniacs whenever they greet Hello Nurse and flirt with her.

Rattrap: It's like I always say: we're all gonna die.
(everyone glares at him)
Rattrap: I know, I know, "Shut up, Rattrap"...

How do, Mayor Montagu?
Corn & Peg whenever they greet the mayor.

"Hey, where's Perry?"
Only one of several Catchphrases about Perry the Platypus.

"Hey, where's Perry?" (Candace glares at her) "What? I'm like the only person who's never said it."
Stacy, Phineas and Ferb, "Bad Hair Day"
