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Quotes / Persona Non Grata

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Chris: Dad, what's the blowhole for?
Peter: I can tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can't go back to SeaWorld.
Family Guy, "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington"

"Yeah. Banned from all libraries across the globe. I didn't know they had that authority. But it was all worth it to give you the gift of reading!"
Bill Green, Big City Greens, "Quiet Please"

Krillin: Turns out Master Roshi is banned from 500 Victoria's Secret locations. I don't get it, how come you're not on some kind of list?
Roshi: You think "Master Roshi" is my real name?

Mayor Hansock: Chip, I'm sorry to say, but you are hereby banned from Big City.
Chip Whistler: What?! You can't ban me!!
Big City Greens, "Chipocalypse Now"

"You don't know me anymore, so don't come down here with your great new life and expect me to do things your way! Go home.
Angel to Buffy Summers, Angel, "Sanctuary"

Sully: Hey, Nate?
Nate: Yeah?
Sully: We can never, ever come back to this city.
Nate: Add it to the list!
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End after the duo level half of Madagascar during a car chase

Skinner: Unfortunately, the studios have made it clear they're not interested in my work. In fact, I'm no longer welcome on the Universal Studios tour.
Lisa: Orlando or Hollywood?
Skinner: There's one in Hollywood?!
The Simpsons, "Any Given Sundance"

Kira: In the Ilvian Proclamation, any Bajoran who was a member of the Cardassian occupational government was sentenced to exile. Your name was number four on that list! Personally, I think you all got off too easy.
Kubus: Major! I'm an old man, I don't have many years left! What's the harm of letting me live them out on Bajor?
Kira: When the Cardassians needed a new group of Bajorans to work in the mines, who approved those work orders?
Kubus: The Bajoran government.
Kira: Whose signature was on those authorization forms?!
Kubus: .....mine.
Kira: And you had to know that those authorizations were death sentences. Did you ever once refuse to sign them?!
Kira: And that's why you can never be allowed to set foot on Bajor again, because if you would dishonor the memory of every person you sentenced to death.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "The Collaborator"

Brunt: May I have your attention, please! Brunt, FCA! As of this moment, no further Ferengi commerce may be conducted in this bar! No Ferengi may be employed by this bar! No Ferengi may eat or drink in this bar! And no Ferengi - NO FERENGI may do business with THAT MAN! Confiscation of assets will begin...immediately.
Quark: Ladies and gentlemen...this bar is closed until further notice...thank you for your patronage.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Body Parts"

Skipper: I can't set foot in Denmark.
Private: Why not, Skipper?
Skipper: That's private, Private! Between me and the Danes.

"Cry tears of joy for yourself, Argentina, because there’s a warrant out for Justin Bieber’s arrest in your country and so he may never go back again. You’re the luckiest country in the world! Let’s all pack up our shit, learn the lyrics to “Buenos Aires” so we can sing it when we get off the train and head to Ar-hen-tina! Argentina is the new Biebs-free wonderland!"
Michael K., "Don't Cry for Beebs, Argentina"

Rule-breaker! Rule-Breaker! You are banned from the daycare!

Valentina: I told you I don't want you in my store.
Riff Lorton: I'm a payin' customer.
Valentina: You've been stealing from me since you were six, now get out, I mean it, and leave Tony alone. He's not allowed to associate with criminals.

"It does feel good to hear another human say that name. I had to change it when 'Philip' was run out of too many towns."
Emperor Belos/Philip Wittebane, The Owl House, "Hollow Mind"

You are guilty of perverting the course of justice, so I have no alternative but to ban you from this leisure centre for the rest of your natural life.

"Lincoln Loud, in accordance with the Royal Canadian Maple Syrup Code, you are hereby booted from Canada! Sorry aboot that."
Canada Gate Guard, The Loud House, "Schooled!"

Whitey: You're not welcome in my house!
Davey: Good, your house SUCKS!

Amaki: I know what you did. ...I won't allow you to hurt Shin anymore. There's nothing I can do to you right now. ...I trusted you, Hiroyuki. ...I believe it is time for you to go home.
Hiroyuki: Wh-what do you mean!?
Amaki: You know exactly what I mean. Take the next bus out of Minasato and never come back. Understand?
Hiroyuki: Y-yeah...
Amaki: Excellent! Well then, it seems our business tonight is settled. Thank you for your time. It's been a pleasure. Oh, and Hiroyuki?
Hiroyuki: ...Yeah?
Amaki: If I ever see you again... I won't hold back.
Homecoming: Morenatsu Revisited should Hiroyuki come dangerously close to possibly raping Shin.

Carly: I can't believe you did that! I'm never gonna be allowed back in that community center ever again!
Spencer: You're overreacting.
Carly: No! The head of security said, "You're never allowed back in this community center ever again!"
Spencer: People forget.
Carly: They took our pictures and thumbprints!
Spencer: Yeah... they're never lettin' us back in that place.
iCarly, "iMust Have Locker 239"
