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Quotes / Perky Goth

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Live-Action TV

I may be painfully shy and obsessed with death, but I have a very effervescent personality!
Tina, Glee

Vince: You're gonna have to get a bit dark, like me.
Howard: Like you? You're the least dark person I've ever met. You're like candyfloss!
Vince: You cut me open, and I'm made of blackjacks!
Howard: You're Fruit Salad, Vince. Everyone knows that.


Fisk: You’re pretty cheery for a black-clad goth.
Beth: I like the color!

But in the annals of the Kindred, one bloodline above all is whispered of with special dread. It's not that there are many of them, or that they are particularly tough. It's just that, in a society of blasphemers, they commit the ultimate blasphemy. In an eternity of horror, they have a unique ability to horrify the horrific. In a world of transcendent angst, they transcend angst itself.
In fact, there's a nasty suspicion that they're having fun.
Dork Tower, "Clanbook Perky"

Web Original

"There is no 'standard behavior or code of any sort for members of the so-called 'underground', you silly gits! Why, whoever thought of anything so bleeding preposterous?"
