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Quotes / Overzealous Underling

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Tywin Lannister: We had come late to Robert's cause. It was necessary to demonstrate our loyalty. When I laid those bodies before the throne, no man could doubt that we had forsaken House Targaryen forever. And Robert's relief was palpable. As stupid as he was, even he knew that Rhaegar's children had to die if his throne was ever to be secure. Yet he saw himself as a hero, and heroes do not kill children. [...] I grant you, it was done too brutally. Elia need not have been harmed at all, that was sheer folly. By herself she was nothing.
Tyrion Lannister: Then why did the Mountain kill her?
Tywin: Because I did not tell him to spare her. I doubt I mentioned her at all. [...] Nor did I yet grasp what I had in Gregor Clegane, only that he was huge and terrible in battle. The rape...even you will not accuse me of giving that command, I would hope. Ser Amory was almost as bestial with Rhaenys. I asked him afterward why it had required half a hundred thrusts to kill a girl of...two? Three? He said she'd kicked him and would not stop screaming. If Lorch had half the wits the gods gave a turnip, he would have calmed her with a few sweet words and used a soft silk pillow.

Shaheed: Idiot! Who authorized you to shoot down that helicopter? Stupid! And to bring the Americans here!
Terrorist: It's just that I thought that...
Shaheed: No! You did not think! You did not think at all!
