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Quotes / Overly Sarcastic Productions

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Red:note  I've read the works of countless ancient grumpy dudes who thought too much/Their books as long and laborous as finals week's untimely clutch/They all complain of human nature, sovereignty and social class/and speak with a precision gained by talking strictly out their ass.
Blue: What the hell are you doing?
Red: Obviously I'm singing about philosophers.
Blue: No, but why?

Red: What do you think? I'd say it got the point across.
Blue: Eh, seems a little overly sarcastic to me.
—Red and Blue watching the first channel trailer

"I'm like 85% sure, that there is no time traveling goat-fish in Greek mythology."
Red on Pricus, the supposed origin of Capricorn, in her Zodiac video

"I'm a sleevehater with very high standards, alright? If I'm gonna be displaying these deadly weapons, I wanna do it in a nice case, you know?"

"I got so immersed I forgot about the looming spectre of colonialism!"
Red, echoing the thoughts of anyone researching indigenous history

"Hope is the ultimate motivator. On some level, it's the only motivator."
Red, describing the concept of hope, "Trope Talk: Grimdark"

"Azula is a terrifying weapon of war, but she's also a lonely 14-year-old with a ton of issues and no concept of healthy social relationships."
Red, summarising Azula's psychology, "Trope Talk: Evil Minions"

"Wrath. Sing, O goddess, of the wrath of Peleus's son Achilles, murderous, doomed, who cost the Achaeans countless lives, hurling down to the house of Hades so many sturdy souls."
Red, quoting the beginning of the Iliad, "Legends Summarized: The Trojan War"
