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Quotes / No Fair Cheating

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"Congratulations! Now do it without cheating."
Vectorman, if you use any cheat code and beat the game.

— Entering any cheat code in Psychonauts

"All right, you beat Big Daddy at his own game! But my grandma could win driving a vehicle like that! Try again, this time without using a ringer!"
Mad Jack if you play through Vacation mode with one of the boss characters, Rogue Trip

"Now I know most likely you're watching this on YouTube or Twitch while some dude with 10 million views does it for you, like a baby bird being fed chewed-up food."

"At least we play fair, you cheating cowards! Try again without the warps!"
The Dark Queen after being beaten by someone who used the level select code for Battletoads and Double Dragon

"CHEATER! Tabbing is for TWATS! GAME OVER"
The Impossible Quiz 2, if you hit the Tab key

"This server is VAC-secured. Cheating will result in a permanent ban."
Team Fortress 2 loading screens.

"If you've seen a solution even once, you will get the staple of ultimate shame to file selection, the map, and the ending! I won't be happy if you use it..."
— Warning given to players on viewing solutions, Sutte Hakkun

"Stanley. This is me being serious. In fact this is my serious room. It's where I come to be serious. That table is the most serious table I could find. I looked at many, many tables. Hundreds of tables. It's possible I looked at over a thousand tables, I honestly don't know, the specific number of tables I looked at isn't as important as the understanding that of all the tables that I looked at, this one is the most serious. I relate this story to impress upon you the extent to which this is the most serious room I have, which is why I've brought you here. You just tried to activate server cheats, which of course runs the risk of breaking the entire game. You've got no respect for the strict order of specific narrative events and I just can't have that. It's time to get serious Stanley, no jokes, no games. Outside of this room I might be more tolerant of those things, but now we're in the room. Which is why I'm subjecting you to the most serious punishment I can think of: One hundred, billion, trillion years standing here in the serious room. Perhaps after that we can talk about the severity of your actions and whether you've learned anything, but until then, serious room. GO."
The Serious Ending of The Stanley Parable, earned by trying to use the "sv_cheats 1" command.

"WOAH. Did we not have the talk? Are we not in the serious room THIS VERY MOMENT? Did I not tell you how many tables I looked through? I'm going to be conservative and say that it was in the tens of thousands of tables, any reasonable person would say I spent an ABSURD amount of time doing nothing but looking at tables. And I genuinely considered each one too! I took a hell of a lot of notes! I kept the notes in a different room, that room is less serious than this one. It's more of a... (sigh) a notes room. Again, the point of this story is to convey how serious I feel this cheating issue is. And I'm sure you'll agree with me once you've fulfilled your new punishment: INFINITY YEARS IN THE SERIOUS ROOM!! I generally have trouble reading human emotions but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're devastated by this crippling new punishment. As well you should be, it's the most serious I could think of. Can you get more serious than that? No. You can't. Don't try."
The second part of the Serious Ending of The Stanley Parable, earned by trying to use the "sv_cheats 1" command again in the same sitting.

"Hm, still no effect. The problem is clearly the serious room, it isn't serious enough. That's on me, Stanley, I apologize. I'm going to the store to go look through more tables, hopefully I find one that conveys how wrong what you're doing is. Now where did I put those notes..."
The third part of the Serious Ending of The Stanley Parable, earned by trying to use the "sv_cheats 1" command for a third time in the same sitting.

"Don't get greedy, my little cheater, or I'll show you a code that will make you teeter. Use more than two of these secret tricks, and I'll erase your game for kicks! The only exceptions are the eggs and the key, since they won't help you wallop me!"
Gruntilda's warning in Nintendo Power's cheat list for Banjo-Kazooie

"You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference."
Twitter post regarding cheat codes used in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

"You have died. Do not attempt to cheat the laws of time."
Endless Summer, if the player tries to type in the name of the A.I before acquiring the necessary information.

"Hey! Quit trying to cheat!! To see the ending, you must turn the CPU switch OFF."

"You wouldn't be trying to give yourself a bogus score using some ingenious trick, would you? That's just about as low as anyone could possibly stoop! I can't believe you sometimes..."

"You have been sent to this eternal dungeon for trying to manipulate time itself!
I will grant you a chance to redeem yourself, but first you will have to repent.
Click this button 400 times and you will be forgiven."
The Longing's response to speedhacks

"What have you done?"
— A Steam achievement for Eversion when you start a run with an edited level

— The stamp that gets placed over the achievements screen if any cheat codes have been entered, Around the Clock at Bikini Bottom

"Cheaters never win!"
Fuuka Yamagishi, Persona 3

There are many secrets in this game
Many of which drives some peeps insane
Why'd you try to cheat in a really good game
Just sounds like crap, and it makes you look lame!

Stop shaking my castle!!
The Black Knight, Black Knight: Sword of Rage, when setting off a tilt warning


Valorant, if the anti-cheat system detects a player

We'd like to wish everyone a Happy Frostivus Update! Except smurf accounts, who we assume will not enjoy the update as they choke on their richly-deserved coal-flavored just desserts.
—From the Dota 2 Frostivus 2023 update, right before dumping highly toxic lumps of coal on the inventories of cheaters

The accursed has repeatedly cheated a certain death. We've yet to ascertain how the accursed managed such a feat. Nevertheless it seems obvious this was intentional. We propose the accursed should be punished accordingly.
Cif the ZERO Prosecutor, Void Stranger, if the player repeatedly aborts the game in the middle of a death animation

The accursed has repeatedly hoarded locust idols. These sacred idols are part of Lord Add's heritage. A mere mortal tampering with them... The thought alone is repulsive. We propose the accursed should be punished accordingly.
Cif, Void Stranger, if the player repeatedly restarts to gain multiple locust idols from the same chest

The accursed has attempted to create a shortcut between branes. This is unprecedented, if I'm being honest. The walls of these branes are impenetrable. A mortal shouldn't be able to escape them. But don't get the wrong idea. This transgression is still extremely severe. We propose the accursed should be punished accordingly.
Cif, Void Stranger, if the player attempts to edit their save file to skip branes

The accursed has repeatedly refused accepting defeat. Whether it is due to a mistake or an inability to see the answer... One has to acknowledge that all actions have their price. We propose the accursed should be punished accordingly.
Cif, Void Stranger, if the player quits and retries in an Unwinnable by Design situation repeatedly rather than dying and losing a locust idol (or facing the Game Over sequence if none are left)

The accursed has repeatedly tried to force their way against the course of this realm. Forcing your way without nary a thought will get you nowhere. It only proves ones (sic) covetous desire of moving forward. We propose the accursed should be punished accordingly.
Cif, Void Stranger, if the player restarts 7 times within a 5-minute periodnote 
