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Quotes / No Bisexuals

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Oh, my God. You're breaking up with me.[...] Are you one of those fake lesbians? Just having a va-va-vacation in lesbian land.
Arizona, Grey's Anatomy

There is no gray area here. You can't kind of think this is OK. You can't kind of side with Izzie Stevens. And you can't be sort-of a lesbian.
Dr. Hahn, Grey's Anatomy

Are you really gay? Like, how gay are you? On a scale of one
Lexi Grey, Grey's Anatomy

I'm bisexual. I'm attracted to both men and women and it freaks her out. Yes, I slept with Mark. I got pregnant. I. Was. Pregnant. And?
Callie Torres regarding her then-wife's Arizona Robbins biphobia in couples therapy, Grey's Anatomy season 11 episode 5

Leah Murphy: (interrupts Shane and Stephanie's conversation) What are you guys whispering about?
Stefanie Edwards: Nothing.
Leah Murphy: God, you guys, fine. It's Arizona Robbins. But please don't say anything, OK? Because she really doesn't need...
Stefanie Edwards: (shocked) Robbins?
Shane Ross: So... you're gay now?
Leah Murphy: Shane, grow up. It's a sliding scale. I slid over her way. If you really have to label everything, then label me "in love".
Grey's Anatomy,episode "Map Of You"

Thirteen: I'm not a lesbian.
House: I was just rounding up from fifty percent.

Larry Bloom: Worry? Worry about what?
Polly Harper: That she'd turn gay again.

Bisexual' is a word gay guys in high school use when they want to hold hands with a girl and feel normal for a change.
Kurt, Glee 2x14 "Blame It on the Alcohol"

Hey, I likes me some kink, but if you think I'm going down town on this chick you chose the wrong chosen one.

Oh, sometimes men love women, and sometimes men love men. And then there are bisexuals, although some just say they're kidding themselves.
Phoebe, Friends ("The Bisexual Song")

There's no such thing as bisexual, that's just something they invented in the 90's so they could sell more hair products!
Liz Lemon, 30 Rock

There's no such thing as bisexual — it's just greediness.
Linda LaHughes, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme

Jay, I'm not bi, I'm not confused. I'm a lesbian. An actual lesbian. Who just broke up with her first girlfriend and it sucks.

Paige Michalchuk: I don't even know what I am!
Hazel Aden: You and Alex, are you guys lesbians now?
Paige Michalchuk: Hazel... let's just say I'm not into labels at the moment.

"Despite what you might have heard, bisexual people are real!"

"You can't like boys and girls. Is there even a word for that?"
Becky MacIntyre, Dumbing of Age, "Sneaking"

Dorothy: Wait, so you're ... bisexual, is it? Is that the problem?
Danny: Why aren't you freaking out? Isn't it a little weird?
Dorothy: You can like boys and girls.
Danny: Is there even a word for that?
Dorothy: Yes, there is. I said it like fifteen seconds ago.
Danny: If you say so. I think I'd have heard about it before.

Now some may say,
“Oh you’re just gay!
Why don’t you just go gay all the way?”
But that’s not it,
‘Cause bi’s legit.
Whether you’re a he or a she,
We might be a perfect fit.
— Darryl Whitefeather, "Getting Bi," Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Rosa: Mom, Dad, I know you don't wanna talk about this, but I do. I might get married to a man — like you so clearly want — and I might not. 'Cause this is not a phase, and I need you to understand that. I'm bisexual.
Oscar: There's no such thing as being bisexual.
Rosa: Yes, there is. I know there is because that's who I am. I'm attracted to both men and women. I've known this about myself for a really long time, and I didn't wanna tell you because I was afraid you were gonna react exactly like you are.
Oscar: ...What do you want us to say?
Rosa: That you accept me for who I am.
[Several seconds of absolutely brutal silence.]
Rosa: Wow. Okay. Let's go.
[Rosa and Jake leave, while Rosa's parents sit in silence.]

You don’t just turn gay. You fall somewhere on the spectrum like on a Kinsey scale.
Piper Chapman, Orange Is the New Black

She's not a lesbian, she probably just ran out of men!
Charlotte (about Samantha), Sex and the City

Tess: Unfortunately for me, he bats for the pink team.
Sean: No, no, no, no, darling. He bats for the blue team.

Rule number one: don't ever fall in love with a straight girl!
Alex Vause arguing with Piper Chapman, Orange Is the New Black

Freddie Mercury: (coming out to Mary) I think I'm bisexual.
Mary Austin: Freddie, you're gay.

How does that work? You go to bed one night, wake up the next morning and poof, you're a lesbian?
Carrie (about Samantha), Sex and the City

Nic: (tearing up) Are you straight now?
Jules: No! It's got nothing to do with that!

Carol Chapman: You were a lesbian?
Piper Chapman: At the time.
Cal Chapman: Are you still a lesbian?
Piper Chapman: No, I'm not still a lesbian.
Larry Bloom: You sure?

How can you say that Bisexuality is not real? It's right in the middle of LGBTQ!
Trevor, Will & Grace

Oooh, do you miss the dick? Is that what this is all about?
Maria (to Samantha), Sex and the City, episode Ghost Town

I'm not even sure bisexuality exists. I think it's just a layover on the way to Gaytown.
Carrie, Sex and the City

Some people seem to think that bisexuality is a payment scheme. You know; bi now, gay later.
Mae Martin

All right. Yeah... okay, yeah, I thought about it. But no, Frasier, no... I don't believe that. And you know why? Because you would have known by now. Your unconscious or whatever the hell you call it could no more have kept its yap shut than the rest of you.
Martin (to Frasier questioning his sexuality), Frasier

I know all about your husband! You still like girls, Beth!?
Nick Curran, Basic Instinct

What was I supposed to say? "Hey, guys, I'm not gay, but I did fuck your suspect"!?
Beth Garner, Basic Instinct

Jenny Harper: Don’t worry, nothing could have happened, I’m gay.
Walden Schmidt: Wait, so how gay? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being Yay, it’s college and 10 being I’m going Subaru shopping with Ellen and Rosie?
Jenny Harper: I’d say a nine. I mean I make my own soap but I don’t sell it at Lilith Fair.
Walden Schmidt: Great. So we didn’t have sex!
Jenny: But sometimes I date an innie who has an outie in her purse… so it’s possible. I have a saying for times like this: What happens in Jenny, stays in Jenny.

Brian: (to Dani) Are you trying to make me jealous?
Dani: Brian, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is Brian.
Brian: (to Kyle) Are you making a play on my girl, Spray-tan?.
Dani: Brian, I'm not your girl. Okay? You're gay!
Brian: 37%! Technically ain't gay, baby!
Dani: What?!

Bina: I'm not gay gay.

Carol Chapman: I was afraid you were turning into one of those butch lesbians.
Piper Chapman: Mom!
Carol Chapman: Sorry, sorry. Bisexuals.

She's bisexual, which is what guys call themselves for a few months before they say gay, and what girls call themselves when they can't interact with people without fingering them.

Joey: So you are. You're gay.
Jack: Well... I'm not—
Joey: You're not gay?
Jack: No—
Joey: Part gay?

Alan Harper: (about Evelyn and Teddy fighting) Wow. Wonder what's that about.
Jake Harper: Maybe Teddy found out Grandma's part lesbian.

Listen, if [Judith] really is gay, then there's nothing you can do about it. Except maybe try and figure why a lesbian married you in the first place. But if she's just experimenting and you act all loving and supportive, then maybe she comes back to the home team.
Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men

Are you gay... way?
Michelle to Judy, Dead to Me

Dwight: I told you she was a lesbian.
Peter La Fleur: Wow. Good call.
Kate Veatch: Hey! I'm not a lesbian.
Peter La Fleur: You're not?
Kate Veatch: No. I'm bisexual. (kisses Peter)
Dwight: Oh, snap!

Thinks he can just push me around! Thinks I'm just gonna hop on the next boat for the States and that'll be that! Well, you've got another thing coming Mr. Big-Shot Fairy Marchand! 'Cause Mrs. Cassidy's little goil Norma ain't gonna take this one lyin' down!...And don't kid yourself! You ain't seen the last of me yet!
Norma Cassidy after being dumped by King Marchand, Victor/Victoria (1982)

Sal: Dumped you for another gal, huh?
Norma: No, another guy.
Sal: (Beat) Run that by me again?
Norma: (instantly stops crying) Okay, there's this Polish fairy, ya see...
Victor/Victoria (1982)

"I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade?"
Margaret Cho

"Isabelle snorted, "All the boys are gay. In this truck, anyway. Well, not you, Simon."
"You noticed," said Simon.
"I think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual," added Magnus.
"Please never say those words in front of my parents," said Alec."

The term bisexual has ended up as the ugly stepchild of sexuality, in both name and meaning. Its fate is symptomatic of the bisexual's own lot in life: to be as common as can be, but unacknowledged.
Jennifer Baumgardner

Sarah: You're going to choose to be heterosexual?
Meg Griffin: I thought being gay wasn't a choice?
Sarah: Well, not for the guys.
Family Guy, "Brian Sings and Swings"

When did this happen? When did all the sexes get confused?
Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

I'm very into labels. Gay, straight. Pick a side and stay there.
Charlotte, Sex and the City

Abby Perkins: I like men.
C.J. Lamb: So do I.
Abby Perkins: Oh? So that means you’re… uh…
C.J. Lamb: Flexible?
Abby Perkins: I see.
L.A. Law, episode "Three's A Crowd"

"'s to the both of you. Another bites the dust"
Alyssa Jones' lesbian friends, Chasing Amy

Willow: It's horrible. That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil. And skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay.
Buffy: Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was.
Angel: Well, actually— [sees Buffy's Death Glare] ...that's a good point.

Pansexual? Isn't that just a rest stop on the highway to homo?
Will Truman, Will & Grace

Gay student: My theory, bi guys are actually gay and bi girls are straight.
Brenna Carver: But I'm not straight; I mean the last two people I dated were girls.
Mariah: Maybe you’re just gay.
Chasing Life (2014)

Look, I know my marriages didn't exactly work out, but you know, I loved being that committed to another person and Carol and I had some good times before she became a lesbian, and once afterward.
Ross Gellar about his ex-wife Carol, Friends, "The One With The Boob Job"

You know, if I wasn't so sure you were a lesbian, I'd say you were coming on to me.
Peter Griffin about Gloria Ironbox , Family Guy, episode "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar".

I only drink red wine. And up until last night, I was under the impression that you too only drank red wine. But I guess I was wrong?
Stevie Budd about David Rose , Schitt's Creek

That is for women. Guys? They don't experiment. It's either shirts or skins.
Sandy, The Kominsky Method

It's felt good when it's been with girls as well, so... It's just hard for dudes. I feel like there's no room to be... Everyone just assumes you're just gay and that's fine. You know? There's nothing wrong with that at all. I just... I like both.
Timmy, The Craft: Legacy (2020)

Peter's friend: (after seeing Kate decapitate a paper cut out board with a dodgeball) Dude, she's got to be a lesbian!
Peter: She is not a lesbian.
Patches: All I know is that dyke can play!

Guy: (to Thomas and his girlfriend) So you like her, huh?
Thomas: Yes.
Guy: (to Thomas and his boyfriend) So you like him now?
Thomas: (irritated) Yes.
Guy: (to Thomas while he's alone) I don't get it. Who do you like: Girls? Boys?
Thomas: (grabs him by the arms, understandably frustrated) YES.

Charlie Harper: Judith. What are you doing here?
Judith Harper: If you must know, I'm here to help Jake set up his room so that way he'll feel like nothing's changed.
Charlie Harper: Really? You don't think he'll notice that his dad's living here and his mom's dating chicks?
Judith Harper: Could you say that a little louder? Jake might not have heard you. And just for the record: I'm not dating anyone and I threw your brother out because he was sucking the life out of me.
Alan Harper: Could you say that a little louder?
Two and a Half Men, episode "Go East On Sunset Until You Reach The Gates Of Hell"

Alan Harper: No. I am going home to my wife to impose my dominion over her.
Charlie Harper: Oh yeah, the lesbians love that.
Two and a Half Men, episode "Go East On Sunset Until You Reach The Gates Of Hell"

I don't even know how my wife is gonna be a lesbian. She hates oral sex. Hates it!
Alan Harper, Two and a Half Men, episode "Go East On Sunset Until You Reach The Gates Of Hell"

It's hard enough going through this transition all by myself. Alan at least has you, I have no one. Except my parents, and they're completely toxic. I mean, I've always been the good daughter or the good wife. And you know what? Outside of those relationships, I don't know who I am. Am I gay? Am I straight? Who the hell knows? I'm scared about this, Charlie, and I'm totally alone.
Judith Harper, Two and a Half Men, episode "If They Do Go Either Way, They're Usually Fake"

With a sports bra, they could've gone either way. Of course, if they do go either way, they're usually fake.
Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men, episode "If They Do Go Either Way, They're Usually Fake"

Charlie Harper: Hold on. So you roped me into this because you think that the three of us collaborating together on a fourth-grade tribute to the industrial will somehow lead to you getting back together with your allegedly gay ex-wife?
Alan Harper: It's easy to make anything sound stupid, Charlie. Look, we're still legally married. Frankly, I don't buy the whole gay thing. A gay woman would not fake orgasms for twelve years just to protect my feelings.
Two and a Half Men, episode "Twenty-Five Little Pre-Pubers Without A Snootful"

Alan Harper: Wait, you're dating Phil? How can you be dating Phil!?
Judith Harper: Well, Alan, he asked me out...
Alan Harper: What about the whole gay thing? Did you even give that a chance?
Two and a Half Men, episode "Alan Harper, Chiropractor Frontier"

What does [Judith] think she's doing? She's straight, she's gay, she's straight again. Place your bets. Where she lands, nobody knows!
Alan Harper, Two and a Half Men, episode "Alan Harper, Chiropractor Frontier"

Why would I want a felonious, former lesbian, WASP, Shiksa, about to go to prison, to marry me?
Larry Bloom, proposing to Piper Chapman, Orange Is the New Black

"My parents don't accept bisexuality; they say, 'Well, you're either gay or straight'."
Margaret Cho

Oh really? S—t, you are still a lesbian.
Pete joking about Piper Chapman moving in with her fiancee Larry Bloom, Orange Is the New Black

Crimson: What? This is the kind of shit gays like, right?
Moxxie: Okay, first off, Dad, I'm bisexual.
Crimson: Yeah, gay.

Diego: Maybe I'm a bit bisexual.
Mauri: No, no, no. You either root for Sevilla or for Betis.note  One thing always pulls more than the other.

You always thought I was gay. Actually, I'm bisexual and I'm secretly in love with you.
Taj to Allison, MTV's How Far Is Tattoo Far?

Branee: Wait, why did you put this on me? "Gay"? Are you gay? You playing? You not gay for real. You gay for real? You playing? Are you for real for real right now?
Jazmine: Yes.
Branee: When did you become gay?
Jazmine: I'm bisexual. Being bisexual in our household, you're just straight gay. What's wrong with being gay?
— MTV's How Far Is Tattoo Far?

Ali: Ciarra. Well, your husband has been getting his thing sucked, on the down-low, by his golf buddy Louis.
Olivia: I have always felt that way.
Ciarra: You what?
Ciarra's husband: You've lost your mind. I would never. That's disgusting!
Louis: (stands up, shouting from the crowd) It wasn't when you were sucking on my dick!
Ciarra: You kissed me with dick on your lips? Oh hell no! (starts hitting him with her bouquet)
What Men Want (2019)

Larry Bloom: (about Piper) So what, is she gay now?
Cal Chapman: I don't know about now. I just think that she is what she is, man.
Larry Bloom: Which is what, exactly?
Cal Chapman: I'm gonna go ahead and guess that one of the issues here is your need to say that a person is exactly anything.

So, I just got out of an eight month long relationship with a married straight white woman. I know... I know what you're thinking. Eight months? Wouldn't it have been quicker and less painful to just slam my dick in a car door? The good news: she was very sexually adventurous. Oh, yeah. Wild, in fact. Yeah, she brought four people into our bed. Yeah. Me, her, her husband, and her son. So, not so much a fuck, as a mind fuck. So, before me, she'd only been with men. So the first time we had took forever! No, really, she kept waiting for my clit to get hard. It was like, "Should I do that? Should I do that? Is that—?". Woo! My lady was very confused. "Am I queer? Am I bi? Am I les? Am I...?" Just all over the LGBTQIA+ menu. Just, "I'll take queer. Uh, yeah, with a side of bi. Uh, hold the Mayo". And it's not just her. Yeah, I was, I was confused as well. She was confused about everything, and I was confused about why I was fucking her.
Che Diaz trash-talking their ex Miranda Hobbes during a live comedy show, And Just Like That... (Season 2, episode 10)

"I get the question a lot, 'So since you're in a relationship with a man, do you still like girls?' I'm like, 'Yes!' It's like, if you're in a relationship with your girlfriend, do you still like girls? Yes! It doesn't take away the attraction to other people."
