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Quotes / Neat Freak

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The bathroom is a dangerous place where evil germs can lurk.
To keep clean is a duty from which we mustn't shirk!
Hygiene is a principle we really all must have.
So scrub your hands with pumice stone, whenever you touch the lav!
The kitchen can be deadly, just think of all that dirt.
To clean things ten or fifteen times, it really cannot hurt.
The League of Gentlemen, "The Hygiene Song"

James May: I don't like noisy people. So, does that make me Finnish, you think?
Mika Häkkinen: Yes.
James May: At home, I quite like to have the spanners in my toolbox in order of size. So that I can always find the right one. Is that quite Finnish?
Mika Häkkinen: Yes it is. Very much. Personally, that's what I'd do; if you're talking about the toolbox, then everything has to be very organised.
James May: I quite like to have the air vents on my car all pointing the same way. Exactly. Is that Finnish?
Mika Häkkinen: Err... No.

You're a freak for neatness, buddy. It drives everybody crazy.
Dick Arren, Wanted

But I love to clean! I love to polish and press and perfect things. I love to scrub and to wash and disinfect things. Yes, I love to clean!
Felix, Sesame Street

I really don't mind cleaning, you know. I love getting dirty and then taking a long, hot bath!

"This chair needs to be pushed in. There cannot be any sign of living in this house."

Somewhere between Cleanliness and Godliness lies Compulsion.

You can't shower without using soap, and you will lose 1 Mind when searching through trash without wearing gloves.
Broadcast Journalist - Negative Effect, Back to the Dawn
