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Quotes / Musical World Hypotheses

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"What the hell, J.D.?! We literally just sang a whole song about how you're not gonna kill people anymore!"
Veronica Sawyers, Illegal Heathers

Web Animation

I cannot tell if that was diegetic or not.
The God-Emperor of Mankind, If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device

Western Animation

Green Arrow: "Then it sounds to me like it's time to rumble!"
Black Manta: "Indeed, but it is you who will take the" tumble!
Black Canary: "I'm sorry, hon, but did you just sing that?"
Black Manta: "Of course I did-" not! "Wait, yes I-" did!
I'm sounding shrill against my will, and cannot stop this singing!
Aquaman: And in my ears, I swear I hear a quite distinctive ringing!
Gorilla Grodd: This silly game is very lame, and someone's going to pay!
Black Canary: An unknown force, but where's the source that has us in its sway?
Clock King: Who is doing this to us? And on this, we must concur;
All Villains: They're dastardly, despicable, disturbingly inexplicable...
Gorilla Grodd:And imminently kickable!
That dirty, rotten rat is...
Music Meister: The Music Meister!
Batman: The Brave and the Bold, "Mayhem of the Music Meister!"

Luna: So, I was about to hit send, but then I wondered, "Is this the song the whole world will love?" And that's when I started hearing things, Lola singing a show tune, Lana doing her toilet jam...
Lisa: And me spitting sick rhymes about the periodic table. It's clear! These aural hallucinations are projections of your inner uncertainty. Your subconscious is flipping between stations, trying to find the right sound for your song.
Luna: Dude, that makes total sense!
The Loud House, "Really Loud Music"
