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Quotes / Moby Schtick

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Films — Live-Action

Lily: Oh! Hey! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt your little quest! Captain Ahab has to go hunt his whale!
Picard: What?
Lily: You do have books in the twenty-fourth century?

Picard: "And he piled upon the whale's white hump, a sum of all the rage and hate felt by his own race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."
Lily: What?
Picard: Moby-Dick.
Lily: Actually, I never read it.

Tabletop Game

Kaptain Agog were a mad zogger. 'E got us a hulk-ship we called "Da Peeker" and put togevver a crew jus' by promisin' gold and bustin' heads. We fought we was gonner get ter be pirates, wiv da peg-legs and eye-patches and all da parrots we could eat. But we wuz wrong. Agog had bigger fish ter fry, da biggest fish of 'em all: Behemuff, da great white whale. 'E were mad for it, 'e were. Never done find out why. 'E dragged us 'alfway 'cross da world lookin' fer dat whale. We wuz sick and 'ungry and we'd et almost all of da gobbos when we finally saw it off da starberr... starbo... over der. Had a ginormous, dirty horn stickin' out of its forred and teef like nuffin' you ever done saw. I nearly squit meself jus' ter look at it. But Agog jus' had dis mad grin on his mug. "Get me a whale-stikka, a rope, and me best swimmin' pants", he said. We never done saw 'im again after dat. Mad zogger.
Pusfudgit, Orc Mate, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: The WFRP Companion
