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Quotes / Made of Incendium

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" Simpson's logic: if it breaks, it burns."
YouTube comment on The Simpsons, "The Trouble With Trillions"

Kirito: (as the stadium on Floor 75 burns) Have you noticed this game has a real arson problem?
Leafa: (as Kandy Kane Kapitol burns) Oh, you saw it, alright! You... definitely aren't allowed back.

"Contains a cocktail of the galaxy's most flammable substances. Y'know, methane, ethylene, butane... A single spark would be more than enough to set this baby off!"
"Er, hold that thought. It spontaneously combusted while I was writing this. I'll get you a new one in case it burns during transit, this happens a lot!"
Ignition Tank shipping log, Risk of Rain 2
