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Quotes / Long-Lost Relative

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(to Goku)"And to top off this expositional onslaught, your brother!"
Raditz, Dragon Ball Z Abridged Episode 1

Li Shan: I am Li Shan. I'm looking for my son.
Crowd: (gasps)
Po: You lost your son?
Li: Yes. Many years ago.
Po: I lost my father.
Li: I'm very sorry.
Po: Thank you. [...] I hope you find your son.
Li: And I hope you find your father.
Crowd: (collective face palm)

"What Speed does not know is that Racer X is really his long lost brother, Rex Racer!"
The Narrator of Speed Racer, almost Once an Episode

Mabel: (regarding Show Within a Show) He had a twin brother all along? That's the big twist we were waiting for?
Grenda: What a rip-off!
Soos: I predicted that, like, a year ago.

Here, and throughout the story, we see that confusion of purpose which is so characteristic of silly novels written by women. It is a story of quite modern drawing-room society–a society in which polkas are played and Puseyism discussed; yet we have characters, and incidents, and traits of manner introduced, which are mere shreds from the most heterogeneous romances. . . we have a crazy gipsy, in a scarlet cloak, singing snatches of romantic song, and revealing a secret on her deathbed which, with the testimony of a dwarfish miserly merchant, who salutes strangers with a curse and a devilish laugh, goes to prove that Ernest, the model young clergyman, is Kate's brother;

Death: "I am Death the Hedgehog. I am Shadow's long-lost brother from the space colony ARK."
Sonic: "Y-yeah... But I thought—"

Max: What's going on?
Angie: Uh... You know how, uh, sometimes, strangers come by and we find out they're related to your dad? (beat) This is one of those nights. Go.
Max: (goes upstairs) CARMEN, THEY FOUND ANOTHER ONE!
The George Lopez Show, "George Gets Assisterance"

"Erm, you must be... Persephone. My name is Zagreus, and... I think I might be your son."
Zagreus, Hades

I recognized her. I only had one picture to remember her by, but I recognized her.
"My mother," I whispered.
Thomas shook his head. He slipped a few fingers under the turtleneck and drew out a silver chain. He passed it to me, and I saw that the chain held a silver pentacle much like my own.
In fact, precisely like my own.
"Not yours, Harry," Thomas said, his voice quiet and serious.
I stared at him.
"Our mother," he said.
