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Quotes / Little Miss Badass

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"Not two hours later, a little twelve-year-old girl comes to my building, armed to the teeth with the firm intention of sending me straight to the morgue."
Norman Stansfield, The Professional

Jerry: Awww! There's nothing cuter than a little girl kicking butt!
Justin: That's what the sensei said! What is so cute about that?!

Harry: If you know that much, if you are that powerful, why did you hire a bodyguard to bring you here?
Ivy: My feet don't reach the pedals.

"If anyone's still alive, don't even think about surprising me! You'll end up like your friends, you hear me!? Yeah!?"
Ellie (again), The Last of Us: Left Behind

"Heroes don't send kids to do the job unless they're little tanks. And most kids are, for some reason, ten times stronger than adult heroes. If that was a four-year-old playing with a kitten out there, I'd offer her your dead body just to be on the safe side."
Unnamed henchman, Super Stupor

"She's itty-bitty and teenie-tiny and, you know, this...very tough kill-em-all character. I love that about her in that it's a great alter-ego. I would love to be able to go whack-whack-whack!—take somebody out."
Alese Watson, voice actor for Claes in Gunslinger Girl

"Hell's bells. It was adorable. She was just a kid.
A kid who knew more than any mortal alive. A kid with a scary amount of magical power. A kid who would kill me if I didn't show up to the duel. But still a kid."
Harry Dresden on Ivy the Archive fawning over Mister, Death Masks

[Janine] makes no prior appearance in this story, then leaps into frame screaming "IT’S ME... JANINE!" and absolutely demolishes this creature that she has never seen before, and wasn’t given a single moment to prepare for. No sooner does she accept the reality of the thing than she is whipping rocks at it. Janine’s boogeyman lives in a shelter for battered monsters. Janine believed in climate change on the same day she firebombed a gas station. Santa Claus came to Janine’s house one time. One time.
