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Quotes / LEGO Island

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Hello! Hola! Willkommen! Bienvenue! Konichiwa! Aloha! How you doing? Yo! And in any language, Welcome to Lego Island!
The Infomaniac, welcoming you to Lego Island

To me, being a cop is all about people. People and respect. Oh sure, we do have our problems. Disputes do happen here on Lego Island but most can be solved with a little understanding. But don't get the wrong idea, I can be tough when I have to be. But I like to think that every citizen on Lego Island has a friend in Laura Brick. 10-4, over and out.
Laura Bricks introduction, Lego Island

There are 1720 bricks on this island, most of them were good, and when they're not, that's where I come in. The names Brick, Nick Brick. I carry a badge. I love being a cop, helping people, keeping order. Mostly, I love a challenge, solving crimes, making Lego Island safe. The thing that impresses most people is my memory. I can remember anything, I'm remembering this right now: I just said: 'The thing that impresses most people is my memory.' Pretty good huh? The Brickster? He's in jail now. But if he ever escapes, I'll be on him like studs on a brick. 10-4, Over and out.
Nick Brick's Introduction, Lego Island

WOO! I'm the Pizza delivery dude, the Dude with the food! Check it out: Perfect angle, 45 degrees! 90 Degrees, 45 degrees, I've got more degrees than a thermometer! 10 degrees, more degrees than a professor! I'm a mongo footed, professor rider. 5 degrees and touchdown! And under control! Pepper, he's hot! That's me!"
Pepper Roni's Introduction, Lego Island

What? I'm on? Put that away I made a pizza for you! Again with the camera? Hey, if I show you something special, will you go away? If you think that's good you should taste it! Now watch this! (Pizza flies into cameramans face) I told you, to get out of here with that camera. I've got work to do! Pepper, get in here we've got work to do!"
Papa Brickolini's introduction, Lego Island

When Mama Brickolini arrived on Lego Island, she had only the clothes on her back. The clothes, and her piano. Upon arriving, she was asked what it was that brought her here. She replied: "The boat, silly!". But when the question was explained to her again she replied: "Hot Pizza and Cool music!" After marrying Papa Brickolini whom she met on the ship and opened up Lego Island Pizza, she had plenty of both. You'll find her there every day serving up friendly advice, great food and of course: "Hot pizza and cool music!"
Mama Brickolini's introduction, Lego Island
