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Quotes / Latex Perfection

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"HA! I.R. going to ripping mask off, to revealing who you is!"
I.R. Baboon as Baboon Man, I Am Weasel

stretchhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP!!!
The usual accompanying sound effect

Ingram had reached beneath his chin and peeled something up for a few seconds.
There are no examples of the mask-maker's art which, as far as we know, can deceive the human eye. Such things as perfect likenesses of the human face which can be put on to fool another person into thinking he is really looking at flesh and bone features, rather than a plastic simulacrum, are beyond current capabilities.
Nonetheless, the mask Ingram had on was far beyond current capabilities.

Gordito: Can I use one of those super realistic masks you guys have?
Sean: No!
Mitzi: Used sparingly, yes, the masks are impressive, but there's a catch. They're only ever convincing portraying wrinkly, weathered faces, typically with obscuring facial hair.
Sean: You don't have the right frame. You'd look like a kid in an adult-sized Dumbledore costume. We'll set you up another way.
