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Quotes / Language Drift

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Luthien: [to Finarfin] My mother didn't speak Quenya. Not until your family taught us.
Steward: [wry aside] The which surprised no few of us; countless assumptions in those days were shattered no sooner than revealed.
Finrod: I told 'Tari it didn't exist when our ancestors began the great journey.
Luthien: Yes, but I don't think it had fully impressed itself upon her.

Supergirl: Are all the wires necessary? They're making me uncomfortable. And could I have some water?
Scientist 1: What's she going on about?
Scientist 2: Weird, isn't it? It's Kryptonese, but it's an ancient dialect! Something about liquid wires...?
Supergirl: Water? In a cup?
Scientist 1: Oh. For thirst.
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol. 5) #23

And even as the echoes died in the stone, Tuor heard out of the darkness a voice speak in the Elventongues: first in the High Speech of the Noldor, which he knew not; and then in the tongue of Beleriand, though in a manner somewhat strange to his ears, as of a people long sundered from their kin.
