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Quotes / Jade-Colored Glasses

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"I swear, if she calls me 'ma'am' one more time..."
Monster chuckled. "Ah, she's just a kid. Give her a break: she'll have plenty of time to get bitter and angry."
Judy found some consolation in that possibility, not that she was optimistic about it: some people went their whole lives without getting their hopes crushed.
The Doctor: I'm 907. After a while, you just can't see it.
Amy Pond: See what?!
The Doctor: Everything! I look at a star, and it's just a big ball of burning gas, and I know how it began and I know how it ends... and I was probably there both times. After a while, everything is just stuff. That's the problem; you make all of space and time your back yard, and what do you have? A back yard. But you; you can see it. And when you see it, I see it.
Doctor Who, "Meanwhile in the TARDIS: Flesh and Stone"
