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Quotes / Iron Butt-Monkey

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"Some women catch bouquets. I catch bombs."
Lois, Lois & Clark

"Drowning Jack in concrete that will set around his body and murder him over and over again is bloody quirky and quite, wonderful and affords the show the chance to indulge in a great big silly set piece worthy of the first two season when Gwen and Ianto shatter the concrete block and release him. All this horror and the first sighting is of John Barrowman’s flaccid penis and grubby ass! How much indignity can one character take?"

Steven: You don't poof easily, huh?
Peridot: (Trapped underneath a boulder) Us Peridots are tougher than we look!

"My God, man, what am I going to do with you? You've done nothing but screw up. You've walked off of mesas, been smashed by boulders, and run over by diesel trucks. And don't blame the equipment. The equipment is good. It's ACME equipment. You're a coyote. Be wily."

"...Yes. I get the distinct impression that the gods themselves could not kill him if they tried. And they have."
Beq Lugg describing Hildibrand, Final Fantasy XIV

If I had a dime for every time I had my ass kicked, I might not be in crippling debt!
