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Quotes / I Thought Everyone Could Do That

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Shepard: [The Normandy was] destroyed in a Collector surprise attack. I ended up spaced.
Wrex: Well, you look good. Ah, the benefits of a redundant nervous system.
Shepard: Yeah, humans don't have that.
Wrex: Oh, it must have been painful, then. [evil grin]

"You note, of course, how the differences in reflex response are caused by Homo sapiens sanguinus's development of a web of microfine capillaries surrounding the neural axons in place of a myelin sheath?"
"Well..." I peer closely at both lumps of gore. The vitae-odor is ammonia-strong, almost overwhelming me. "It all looks the same to me."
"I can't... ah, yes, right." Alexei sighs. "You have yet to refine your Auspex talents. My apologies, dearest childe: after centuries of vampirism, I have nearly forgotten what it is like to view the world through psychic cataracts. Do you know that I have discovered no fewer than three hundred and sixteen colors imperceptible to the kine eye? And I am not even an effete Toreador! But no matter..."
Vampire: The Masquerade — Clanbook: Tzimisce

Commander Badass: Yanno, if I was trying to keep that blond kid out of my business, I'd prob'ly take away those keys he's always grabbin'.
Ganondorf Dragmire: What good would that do? Everyone knows how to pick locks.
Commander Badass: I'm thinkin' maybe everyone who grows up in thief villages knows how to pick locks... Everyone who risks their life collecting little keys, maybe not so much.
Ganondorf: [boggling] Huh...

Garnet: You can't just shove someone off of a roof!
Peridot: Why not?
Garnet: This is a human! He isn't like us. He's fragile and soft.
Peridot: [recording] In conclusion, not all lifeforms can fly.

Tedd: You know how if you focus your eyes just right, you can sort of "see" magic?"
Sarah/Grace: [simultaneously] No.
Tedd: Well — wait, what? No?
Sarah: I don't know what you're talking about.
Grace: I've seen the results of using magic?
Tedd: But... I do it all the time! It's why I needed to watch you transform all those times!

Crichton: A wormhole is a disturbance in space-time. Immediately before it opens a pressure bubble forms. You can't see it but it's there.
Pilot: [calmly] I can see it.
Crichton: [Beat] You can see it?
Pilot: Yes. Can't you?

“Bite me,” he snapped.
“Ssssssssure.” When I lifted my head up, Marco scrambled backward with comic speed, eyes improbably wide in his dead-white face. He was probably reacting to the fact that my tongue had gone long and narrow and forked at the end, or maybe the three-inch fangs that had sprouted out of my incisors. Then again, it could have been the way my eyes had gone very round and shifted to an unnatural shade of gold, or the sudden disappearance of my nose.
“Holy shit!” That was Jake, not Marco, and his voice had gone up three octaves on the second word.
I focused a second, frowning in concentration, and my face went back to its usual gorgeous proportions.
<How did you do that?> Tobias demanded.
“I closed my eyes and thought real hard about being a snake.” I rolled my eyes. “If you haven’t figured out the basics of morphing by now, there’s nothing I can do to help you.”
Eleutherophobia: The Thing from Another World

Ren: Naofumi, you mentioned your drop rate. Are you talking about the Usapil bonus?
Naofumi: Hmm, yes and no. I have 4 Shields that up my drop rate.
Motoyasu: FOUR?! Where'd you get the other three? I only know about the Usapil one, same as Ren.
Naofumi: I figured we'd all have those by now, it came from the Coinage.
No sooner did he reveal that, did the two other heroes absorb a coin of each type.
Motoyasu: Three more drop rate increases... Damn.
Chapter 64, Family of the Shield
