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Quotes / I Shall Taunt You

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Spider-Man: You do this for a living? With that accent, (starts imitating the accent badly) I was thinking rodeo clown!
Shocker: Don't you mock me, boy!
Spider-Man: I mock! I'm a mocker!

Raphael: Will... you... shut... your... trap!?
Michelangelo: Why? Does my talking bother you? Am I distracting you somehow? Making you lose focus? Messing up your concentration? Finally getting on your nerves, perhaps? Or maybe you're just a teeeensy bit worried that I might actually beat you.

"And this! Is when I taunt you!"

Sentinel, Marvel vs. Capcom 3

King Arthur: If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle by force!
French Knight: You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person! I blow my nose to you, so-called Arthur-King! You and your silly English Knnnnnn-iggits! *sticks tongue* Thhhhhhpppptt! Thhhpppt! Thhhppt!!
Sir Galahad: What a strange person.
King Arthur: Now look here, my good man...
French Knight: I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Sir Galahad: Is there someone else up there that we could talk to?
French Knight: No! Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!

The pitch for this movie was Bruce Willis comes up to the execs and says “You know what people love? When I make snide comments at bad guys. Let’s make a movie that is just me giving one liners to bad guys and killing people” And the execs said “Fine, you can make The Last Boy Scout. Oh, and do this piece of shit Hudson Hawk too. Roughly the same thing”

"Rise up, my baron, and turn back your kye,
For the lads frae Drumwarren are driving them by,"
"How can I rise up and turn them again,
For where I hae a man, I'm sure they hae ten,"
"If I had a husband, as I must hae nane,
He wouldnae lie in his bed and watch his kye ta'en,"
So up gets the baron, cries "Give me my gun,
And I will go out, love, though I'll never win hame."
Baron O' Brackley, traditional Scottish

"Face me if you dare, stunted whelp, or do you lack even an Elven maid's courage? I thought the Sons of Grungni were great warriors, but perhaps you are no true Dwarf. Indeed, maybe you are instead some breed of bearded goblin, though in truth, I have seen a finer beard on a Troll's back-side."
Wulfrik the Wanderer to Dwarf King Thurbad Stonebeard, Warhammer

"If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum!"

"It's official: you suck."

I'm waiting for you, sire! Unless you'd rather have it said that the king is a little poofter who pisses himself at the idea of fighting?
The swordsmaster motivating King Arthur for a sparring session, Kaamelott

Terry: He's tough. Any suggestions, boss?
Bruce: Joker's vain and likes to talk. He'll try to distract you, but don't listen. Block it out and power on through.
Terry: Wait. I like to talk, too....
Batman Beyond: Return of the Jokernote 

You ever hear of Slimfast? Not for nothing, but a shake in the morning, another in the afternoon and a sensible meal at night would not kill you. But it might not make a dent. Have you thought of jogging. Can you jog on all those spindly little things? Am I being too subtle? Brother, YOU ARE FAT. Guinness Book fat. You so big, bro, you wake up in sections. I bet your blood type is Ragu. I bet every time you wear high heels, you strike oil. Then again, you don't have feet. But I'd bet a million bucks that you've got a foot fetish. Like guys with women's breasts. We don't have 'em, so we envy and admire them. But you sure have some man boobs. Have you tried push-ups? Is any of this getting through, chubbs? Those ears of yours work, right? If not, I'm sure all that circuitry and crap sprouting from the back of your head can pick up a few things. Cable. Ham radio. Pay-per-view Foxy Boxing. I could use some music. Maybe someone could stick a CD up your-
Morph, to Mojo, Exiles #18: So Lame Part 1

Jay: [feigning ignorance] Uh-oh. I'm sorry, was that your auntie? Then that must mean that that's your uncle then, huh? (stomps on another roach) You know y'all look alike. Well, well. Big, bad Bug got a bit of a soft spot, huh? (stomps on yet another roach) See, what I can't understand, is why you gotta come down here bringing all this ruckus! Snatching up galaxies and everything. My attitude is: don't (stomp) start nothing, won't (stomp) be nothing!

"You're nothing but a smear on the Sports page to me, you slimy, gut-sucking intestinal parasite! Eat Me! Eat me!"
Agent K to The Bug, Men in Black

"Ten years in the joint made you a fuckin' pussy!"
Akira Nishikiyama to Kazuma Kiryu, Yakuza

Wonder Woman: Expect no help from your patron. I've dealt with all his lackeys before, and beaten them. As I beat you.
Badra: Then deal with me a second time. If I get done with you soon enough, perhaps he'll let me help the boys deal with your daughter. And your mother.

<That is the anti-matter universe,> sent Satan Girl.
<Oh, very good,> mocked Kara, smiling like a teacher tutoring her most backward pupil. <Now, if you'll just join me here, I can finish you right off.>
The villainess didn't budge. <It'll blow us both to bits if we touch any substance there without force-shields or matter-conversion,> she sent. <I can just wait you out. You'll come back, or you'll be atomized. Either way, I win.>
<Oh, will you?>, asked Kara. <I thought for certain that you wanted to tear me apart with your own hands. Except it hasn't been that easy, has it? Maybe you're just not up to it, after all... since you're just a pretty pathetic copy of me.>
Satan Girl's expression of hatred, which was about the only one she owned, intensified. <YOU...> she began, and that was all she could get out.

Salvador, Borderlands 2

Pellaeon: Maybe I'm missing something, Vorrik, but I'm not seeing any evidence of this great plan of yours. We're destroying your yammosks; we've killed your spies; we're taking back those you thought were captives. You don't have the muscle to take this planet, let alone the others. Your threats are as empty as your boasts are shallow.
Vorrik: You will eat those words when-
Pellaeon: Empty.
Vorrik: -we turn your abominations into slag and-
Pellaeon: Empty.
Vorrik: -grind every trace of you into the dust from which you were born!
Pellaeon: Empty, Vorrik! [...] You may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, but the Empire will always strike back. That I promise you. (speaking over Vorrik's ranting) You tell Shimrra from me that if he wants to get the job done, then he's going to have to send a bigger fleet - and a more competent commander to oversee it. (the Yuuzhan Vong fleet shortly withdraws)

Jasmine: I gave you the chance of love. Now I give you the penalty of pain.
Kara: I'm pretty good at that penalty myself, honey. And you overestimate your charms.

Atlas: Wait a minute, what about our contest? Answering a riddle is hardly what I'd call a feat of strength.
Samson: I agree. How about I wrestle you for her? Or is the mighty Man of Steel a coward?
Atlas: Even the shield on his chest is yellow!

"Believe me, I want to be here even less than you do. Now, are we going to fight like civilized people, or am I going to stand here and taunt you?"
Jane Harrington-Price, Tricks for Free

"Holy shit! Look who got beaten with the ugly stick! Is that you, Bob? I can't believe such a teeny weeny little gun made such a big mess out of someone! You are so ugly, Bob! And, hey, I heard you have one of those big poop bags that's like attached to where the shit comes out the side! You're just a big old shitbag ain't you, Bob? You just think of me every time you empty that motherfucking thing, motherfucker!"
Vanessa Lutz to Bob Wolverton, Freeway

Faora Hu-Ul: "This planet... shall fall... before my might...!"
Supergirl: "You think so, Faora — with those looks and no personality?"
Faora Hu-Ul: "Supergirl!! Then this attack upon my beauty was your doing! I shall scratch your eyes out for this, you—"
Supergirl: "Save the threats for another night, Sweetcheeks."

Sandy: Y'all best apologize, or I'm gonna be on you like ugly on an ape!
SpongeBob: You'll have to catch us first!
(he and Patrick run off giggling)
SpongeBob: We did it! We got her!
Patrick: Krusty Krab, here we come! (to Sandy) Can we say that plants from Texas are dumb? (laughs) Can we say that shoes from Texas are dumb?
SpongeBob: (noticing something) Okay, Patrick, that's enough.
Patrick: Why? Do you think that old slowpoke Texas is gonna...?
(he notices Sandy furiously gaining on them)
Patrick: AAAAAAHHH!!!

(Tusk is pitting his mother's Paramail, the Arquebus Vanessa Custom, against Embryo and Ragnamail Hysterica in the stormy skies over the Misurugi Empire.)
Embryo (about Ange): Pure beauty can never be defiled... the sensuality of a primal beast!
(Tusk's Arquebus and Hysterica clash midair, struggling against each other.)
Embryo: Oh, I can hardly wait to tame her... and the best part is, how she looks when she loses control. You cannot possibly imagine such a sight...
Tusk: I don't have to.
Embryo: Huh?
Tusk: Hell, I can tell you how many freckles she has on her inner thigh!
(Embryo blinks in perplexed surprise as the Arquebus shoves Hysterica back!)
Tusk: You don't know the first thing about Ange, do you?!
(Flashback montage of Tusk's memories with Ange over the course of the series...)
(Cut back to the present...)
Tusk: ...and you think you can break her?! You're a pathetic excuse for a man, you know that?!?
(Tusk swings his Arquebus' sword at Hysterica, who blocks the swing with an energy shield.)
Embryo (impressed): Well, now. You certainly seem different from last time. (Dawning realization...) Insect...! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?!
Tusk (proudly): What didn't I do with her is the better question!
Embryo (horrified): WHAT?!!
(Embryo has a look of shock plastered on his face as the pink Arquebus kicks Hysterica back!)
Embryo (disbelieving): You dare mock my wife with such obvious fabrications?!
Tusk (sounding almost smug): Believe it, buddy! Ange accepted me completely, of her own free will... I got to touch the deepest, warmest parts of her no one's ever seen before!
Embryo: Ugh?!
(Tusk now soars in with his Arquebus, and uppercuts Hysterica as Embryo is thrown off by Tusk's declaration!)
Tusk: And now I'm not afraid of anything!
(Tusk swings at Hysterica again, but it dodges out of the way. Embryo's face is full of tempered rage.)
Embryo: How can you be so shamelessly obscene...?! (Hysterica's "eye" flashes dangerously.) THIS WILL NOT STAND! You violated my wife! So... as punishment... I will erase you from history!

Archer: Hey, Hound! How does it feel being someone's attack poodle?
Lancer: (raising his spear) What did you call me, Archer?
Archer: Also heroes are stupid, pride is worthless, and potatoes are a compromise, not a food.
Lancer: You're just trying to provoke me. And you know what, it's working.
Archer: (in exaggerated cutesy voice) Aww, is the widdle baby hewo upset? Is he gonna use his most powerful stwike because he's angwy?
Lancer: (visibly frustrated) Yes! Can you stop talking like that!? You're embarrassing both of us!
Archer: Aww, I didn't mean to embawwass the widdle kitty Lancer. So sowwy.

Iron Warrior: Stop with these childish games, Fist! We came to lay waste to your pitiful defenses, so stop acting like this is a joke!
Imperial Fist: Oh, is poor little baby going to cry?
Iron Warrior: (taken aback) What?! No!
Imperial Fist: Do you need a pacifier, Iron Baby?
Iron Warrior: (defensively) NO! No, I don't! And I'm not an infant!

Bumblebee: Hey, Blitzbrain! Is that your jet mode, or did your pal Lugnut dump out some spare parts? [...] How come you have three faces? Couldn't decide which was the ugliest? [...] And who uses ice as a weapon? Oi, what are you? A refrigerator?
Hothead Blitzwing: You want heat?! I'll give you more than you can handle! (transforms into a tank and plummets to the ground) Oh, slag! Not aga—! (crashes through the ice)
Transformers: Animated, "Megatron Rising - Part 2"
