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Quotes / IKEA Erotica

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"I used to write pornography when I was younger. It wasn't terribly erotic, but it was detailed..."

All you’re doing is smacking your nuts against someone, and nothing is going in.

While Fifty Shades is more ribald than the average film, its sex scenes feel as pre-fabricated as any CGI-laden action sequence in an average blockbuster—they're fine here but could easily be at home in a Dior commercial... Imagine if Peckinpah’s lens lovingly captured guns for an hour but never bothered to show the squibs.

"Quite. After all, sex is just a couple of electrified water bags wobbling on each other repeatedly and then squirting amino-acids about."
xkcd forums

"I'm gonna fuck you with my penis!"

"I'm very happy we're gonna have all the sex."
Chandler, Friends

"I'm really looking forward to you and me having sexual intercourse."
Phoebe, Friends

"Rendered in a labyrinthine and frequently unintelligible grammar, the truly awful query is often notable for its length, its torrid verbosity, and the mechanical specificity of its sex scenes, which tend to read like appliance-repair manuals in their exhaustive and emotionless depictions of moving parts. "

''1) Put pOnOs (A) to vagOOO (B).''
3) ????
— from a Fate/stay night parody comic

"Oh, Gwen! Your labia feels so good around my swollen phallus! Oh, I'm fairly confident I'm going to ejaculate. I'm releasing some of my seminal fluids inside of you now!"
Richard Bagg, Van Wilder

"Come here, gorgeous. Let's make two and a half minutes of squelching noises."
Richard Madoc, to Calliope, The Sandman: "Calliope"

"He whisked off her shoes and panties in one movement, wild like an enraged shark, his bulky totem beating a seductive rhythm. Mary's body felt like it was burning, even though the room was properly air-conditioned. They tried all the positions: on top, doggy, and normal. Exhausted, they collapsed on to the recently extended sofa bed. Then a hellbeast ate them."
Garth Merenghi, Garth Marenghis Darkplace

"I should warn you, because of the turgid, pedestrian prose and frank sexual nature of the following, young children and English majors might want to skip ahead."
Al Franken, Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, on a sex scene from Those Who Trespass by Bill O'Reilly

Born2Bone (Al Gore) to HunniBunni (Tipper Gore) during a cybersex session, Dave Barry In Cyberspace

"Bit faster? (Beat) More motion. Not like that, more motion. You're all in out, in out, like you're trying to shut a drawer back into a filing cabinet."

"Oh that goes in there, then that goes in there, then that goes in there, then that goes in there, oooh-ooooh, and then it's over."
Pulp, This Is Hardcore

Edna [...] resumed her typing of Naked Love by Armand Levine. Its painstaking eroticism left her uninterested — as indeed it did most of Mr Levine’s readers, in spite of his efforts. He was a notable example of the fact that nothing can be duller than dull pornography. In spite of lurid jackets and provocative titles, his sales went down every year, and his last typing bill had already been sent in three times.

I wash down the pipe. I investigate the inside.
One of the several lines in the fangame Phoenix Drive which attempts to be erotic.

He then inserted tab A into slot B and repeated. He finished assembly quickly in under 2 minutes, but his partner was unsatisfied with the results and they had to return the bed back to the store.
Terrible Writing Advice, "Lovemaking Scenes"
