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Quotes / Hype Backlash

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I went out, and in Paul's Church-yard I bought the play of "Henry the Fourth", and so went to the new Theatre [...] and saw it acted; but my expectation being too great, it did not please me, as otherwise I believe it would.
Diary of Samuel Pepys, December 31, 1660

"If you caught this low-budget labor of love about a murderous simpleton named Karl Childers (mmm-hmm) just after its release, you probably thought it was a solid little piece of work worth rooting for. If you checked in after reading the four-star reviews or watching the Oscar ceremony in which the writer-director-star picked up the Best Original Screenplay award, you may be forgiven for thinking there's less here than meets the eye. So fast did the tables turn for Billy Bob that the backlash felt more like whiplash."
Ty Burr, in his review of Sling Blade in Entertainment Weekly.

"Is it really 'boring' to just not want to get hyped up or excited over anything, because you don't want to be let down?"
A Tweet.

"Hype is like gambling: So many buy into it without knowing the risks. :P"
"People with hype are like a person who is surprised they don't walk out with millions from casino winnings and blames the casino."
Two tweets.

"Nothing ruins a good movie more than calling it a great one."

"9 out of 10... 9 out of 10, 1,824 votes.
...1,824 imbeciles."
Jacob Sherwood of BAD CREEPYPASTA, on ''Jeff the Killer vs Slenderman".

"It's kinda like getting dragged to a movie by your friend who keeps going oh, you're gonna love it, it's gonna be so good, it's gonna be so good! Then you walk out feeling really unclean. Then the usher kicks you in the balls."
The Plastic Addict, TJ Omega

"It's a fucking bullshit forklift simulator for assholes! You people have been fucking fooled! That game was never that good, it was just a bunch of like half-assed ideas put together in a way that you had never seen before!"
Jeff Gerstmann on Shenmue at Pax East 2014

Radio stations were promising "No Men at Work weekend! We promise we won't play any more Men At Work!" That's when you know you've really hit the big time - saturation point, when people really can't take any more of it."
Long Way to the Top: Stories of Australian Rock & Roll

I don't really like the characterisation that Season 33 is this "Simpsons renaissance" or that it "saved The Simpsons" or whatever. Partially because it's overhyping what's going on here. But also because I feel this kind of framing always invites comparisons to the classic era, and the show is just never going to win that showdown.
TheRealJims, "Season 33 Review - A Simpsons Renaissance?"

Sheen: Hi, Jimmy! Did you watch The Happy Show Show?
Jimmy: Yes, and it was the worst show ever! It was obnoxious, idiotic, silly, infantile, inane, vapid... shall I go on?
Libby: You need to watch it again!
Jimmy: Again?! I could barely watch the first 30 seconds! I thought my TV would explode! I thought I'd might faint from the fumes of the show's supreme stinkiness!
Carl: You should give it another chance.
Jimmy: Guys, are you listening? I'm never going to watch that show again!

"Is Ben 10 as great as we remember? And the answer to that is probably pretty clear by now. There are great episodes of Ben 10, and there are also plenty that are quite good and that I'm happy I watched. But there are also a lot that are little more than these mediocre, rehashed schemes that are just so repetitive and dull despite all the promise of this premise. So no, I don't think this show was great. I didn't even think it was close to greatness. From the characters, to the conflicts, to the villains, to the lessons, to the action. None of this show managed to be consistently engaging."

Starfield Player Character: Hey babe, my game Starfield just got Game of the Year for Xbox at the Golden Joystick Award. How about a special treat to the winner?
Angie: (as a bartender) Sure, let me get something special for you.
(One panel later…)
Player: …That's tap water.
Angie: So…?
Player: I was expecting something special.
Angie: So did we.

"You know how things are with YouTube when it comes to stuff like this. Everyone wants to sensationalize and make the biggest deal ever out of every little thing because they're desperate for clicks. 'Aw, they fixed Sonic Forces! The best Sonic fan game of 2023 is finally out,' and whatever other stupid stuff that you see. And a by-product of that is that it creates this kind of false narrative around a lot of fan-projects that they're all 'the greatest thing ever' when they're really not. And I wanna make this video kind of as a bit of… I dunno, counter-programming or whatever to basically tell it like it really is, and talk about the game like a game and not just hype over it because, 'Aw, new Sonic fan-thing! Please watch my video!' I wanna push back against the culture of overblown hype for Sonic fan projects, and also give the developers of Sonic Forces Overclocked something that they deserve: they put a lot of work into this project, and a lot of time and a lot of effort into it, and I think they deserve some real critique on their work instead of everyone just saying how amazing everything is."
