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"Zelda... that name seems... somehow familiar."
Princess Zelda in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, when Link first meets her while named "Zelda"

"My latest XCOM 2 changelog: - 'Hot Load' is no longer a viable nickname for soldiers. I'm an important person doing noble work."

"You know, I no longer care what her name is! To me she is just 'A Whore.' [...] The best part of all of this, is that you get to name A Whore's dog too. And here is where you can really have some endless fun. Someone once told me about another guy who named the dog 'Vaginal', but when I play for it, I went for 'Anal'. As you can see: 'A Whore's Limit Break uses Anal', and 'You can learn many tricks with Anal.' There are a lot, but you start with 'Anal Rush', 'Anal Recover', and 'Anal Cannon'. The dog gets more powers from the 'Pet Pal Magazines', like 'Anal Search', 'Anal Strike' and 'Anal Reverse'. Ewww!"
Noah Antwiler, abusing Rinoa and Angelo's names.

"I named him after my family's dog. Boy, was it hard to ever take him seriously after that. 'I AM WOODY, SON OF SETO...!'"

"Why put in a name anyway? It's not like the game is gonna save it. But if it did, I guarantee most of the high scores will belong to 'AAAA'."
The Angry Video Game Nerd on Winter Games

"Nier is in actuality the name of the main character, the guy on the box who looks a bit like Emmett Brown wearing his underpants on his face. I only found this out later, though, because before the game tells you his name it asks you if you can come up with a better one, and thus began the adventures of Twattycake, defender of the innocent."

Pearl's gem: Please identify yourself.
Greg: Um... Greg Universe?
Pearl's gem: Greetings, Umgreg Universe.

"'Ah,' the gatekeeper says, 'so you're a newb yourself. Right, let's get you sorted out. What name do you want to go by?'
You think. There's no reason to give your real name - judging from the show, nobody else did. This is an opportunity to reinvent yourself. You could call yourself 'Sam' or 'Flurtlebomp Norkington the Third' or 'Slimy Pat Sneaksworthy' or something appropriate to the weird and exotic environment you find yourself in.
You could also call yourself xXx420bLaZeIt69XxX, or thiccboi2000, or myh41ry4rse, but some inner voice tells you that the operator would change your name to something less stupid, or if you chuck a slur or two in there, just ban you entirely.
You also get the weird feeling that a good name would be somewhere between four and twenty-five characters, and consist of letters and/or spaces and/or hyphens.
You're not sure where these weird feelings are coming from.
So. What's your name?"

"Hey!! I'm a famous shamus. And most people don't know your name. Is it Ren? Or is it Akira? Or does the player just sort of, make it up!?!?"

"I thought naming a ring was a bit stupid in my first playthrough and ended up fighting 'Tiddles.'"
—A poster on GameFAQs's message boards regarding the fact that you are prompted to name Squall's ring in Final Fantasy VIII, which is later used as the name of one of the final bosses.

Anya: Dear Lisa, As I write this I am very sad. Our President has been overthrown and...
The Simpsons, "Cape Feare"

The Mother: Hey, grandpa! What would your names be?
Grandpa: Well, let me tell ya! Dick-Suck, Dick-Face, Hairy-Tit, and Dr. Buttnugget. Heh, heh...
The Father: Hey, grandpa? ...What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Grandpa: What? They're names.
The Father: Hairy-Tit? Grandpa, you're setting a bad example for our pioneers here. You're going to make them think it's a good idea to name their wagon parties (Aside Glance) stupid things...
Grandpa: Well, they should, it'd be real funny...

"I recently completed my first Pokémon game. … I learned some valuable lessons. Lesson number one, your first Pokémon game, you should probably not nickname every Pokémon you catch, because you will not know what the actual species's name is. And when it's like, "Who's that Pokemon?" you're like, I know this one, this is Ball Sweat. Ah… he's a Grass Type."
