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Quotes / Good Smoking, Evil Smoking

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Spike: Taking up smoking, are you?
Harmony: I am a villain, Spike. Helloooo? [then coughs, ruining the whole thing]

Bad Smoker Rule:
In any cop movie made since the mid-'70s, the bad guys smoke, while the good guy is trying to quit.

Hoyt Volker: Here. Join me for a celebratory Cohiba. That was quite a show down there.
Jason Brody: I don't really smoke.
Hoyt: Oh, you're concerned about cancer. That's goose shit. Cancer won't be what kills you.

I didn't say anything. I lit my pipe again. It makes you look thoughtful when you are not thinking.
Phillip Marlowe, Farewell, My Lovely

For no reason at all, I assumed that the human liberators would not be the smoke-breathing type sort of being. I realize now that is a completely false piece of logic, but at the time smoke meant to me only one thing: a human enemy — Bob and his friend in the car — cruel oafs!
Pufftail, Stray

Bearded Man: I have emphysema. I contracted it through years of habitual smoking. Disgusting proclivity, isn't it? Only villains smoke. We know this, right?
Simon: I'm sorry, you areā€¦?
Bearded Man: You may call me "Flosso". And I'm a villain.
