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Quotes / Giver of Lame Names

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Q: Elaine, some of the book titles sound alike, and I’m having some trouble keeping track of which ones are which (limited cranial capacity). (I understand that it's the publishers that pick the titles, but Elf this, Shadow that, and in various combinations, I know I’ll wind up buying one of these books twice.)(Oh, now I see!)
A: Yes, there is an "elf" and "shadow" theme going on in Songs & Swords. I can see how it might be confusing. If you seek clarity, there's a list of my published stuff on the Bookshelf page of my website,
A: And yes, the publishers usually pick the titles. In my case, that's probably just as well. The working title for The Floodgate was "Watergate" for several weeks before I figured out why that just didn't sound right. Similarly, I wanted "Moonshadow" for my first book (Elfshadow). The way my editor tells it, for several days after I suggested that title, the TSR staff went around humming Cat Stevens songs and cursing my name. I've learned since then that, generally speaking, it's a good idea to avoid "moon" in a fantasy title: there are probably more moons in a row of fantasy novels than in a busload of drunken frat boys.

"Well, because it is submersed in a marine environment, I've always called it the Going-Under-The-Water-Safely-Device."
Leonard of Quirm, Jingo

It's a history book. Here's a random page...
Trapped behind the barrier and fearful of further human attacks, we retreated.
Far, far into the earth we walked, until we reached the cavern's end.
This was our new home, which we named...
As great as our king is, he is pretty lousy at names.

Fearing the humans no longer, we moved out of our old city, HOME
We braved harsh cold, damp swampland, and searing heat...
Until we reached what we now call our capital.
Again, our King is really bad at names...?
"Monster History Part 4", Undertale

Minato: Looks like I'll have to create an opening with my Rasen Senkou Chou Rinbukou Sanshiki.
Tobirama: You leave me at a loss for words, sometimes. A technique named like that is almost enough to make a grown man laugh. Though, given our predicament... I'm in no position to laugh.

Kazuma: Me and my partner will take care of it. Right... um... Kikuichimonji? Kogarasumaru?
Megumin: Chunchunmaru.
Kazuma: ... What was that?
Megumin: I said 'Chunchunmaru'. This sword's name is Chunchunmaru.
Kazuma: No way I'm going to name my sword with a silly name like that! I gotta think of something cool... (The word Chunchunmaru is suddenly engraved to the sword by Megumin) WHAAAAT!?
Megumin: Henceforth, this sword's now called 'Chunchunmaru'.
Gibbs: Look alive, and keep a weather eye! Not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island, where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck!
Jack: You know, for all that pirates are clever cogs, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.
Gibbs: Aye.
Jack: I once sailed with a geezer who lost both of his arms and part of his eye.
Gibbs: What'd you call him?
Jack: [beat] Larry.

...Why'd I inherit Dad's naming abilities?
Teal Iwatani after creating a new fruit with swirling colors that she named "Swirlers", Family of the Shield, Chapter 81

Digger: Can I—I dunno, give you a nickname, or something?
Hyena: A name? Digger-mousie can do this?
Digger: Sure, why not? Um—uh—damn, I'm not good with names. My pet mole was "Mr. Mole" and my fish was "Mr. Fishy."
Digger, chapter 1 note 

"I once was the head of a secretive council that controlled the Orcish Horde from the shadows. I called it... the Shadow Council. (Beat) Shut up! Naming things is hard!"

Bacon: Hey triangle boy, do we get a team name or somethin'?
Oodle: Uh... You guys will be called...Team 1?
(Everyone on Team 1 looks at Oodle in disappointment)
Oodle: What?
Glowstick: Wait, are you serious?
Oodle: Oh, give me a break, I'm bad at naming things!
Animated Inanimate Battle, "An Ice Beginning"

Ben 23: (as Ben turns into Upchuck) Vomit Man.
(Ben turns into Spidermonkey) Mr. Monkey.
(Ben turns into Mole-Stache) Don't know him.
(Ben turns into Wildmutt) Dog-Nabbit. It's a pun. Get it?
Ben: ...I'm starting to get it.
Ben 10: Omniverse, "Store 23"

Accountant: Walter's good at this creative stuff, he just named his baby.
Pointy-Haired Boss: How is Walter Jr?
Walter: She's fine. Thanks for asking.
Dogbert: Yeah, that was a dry hole.
Accountant: Walter has a name for the product.
Walter: How about....Ford?
Dogbert: Hmmm that one seems to be the Ford Motor Company!
((Walter runs out in tears))
