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Quotes / Giant Corpse World

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In a long-lost age before records truly began, our world was built by Titans, beings of impossible size whose bodies fell to Earth and became the biomes we know. Their bones became the rocks, shaped into vast caverns by the arches of their ribs. Their blood ran downward into the darkest depths of the world, imbuing it with untold riches, magic, and danger; and from their fallen forms, civilization flourished.
Pix the Historian, Empires SMP Season 2

Crichton: "Fields of green grass?"
Chiana: Well, mould is, uh... is green.
Crichton: "Crystal-blue streams?"
Chiana: Ruptured bile-ducts, actually.
Crichton: If I had anything at all in my stomach right now, I'd throw up.
Aeryn: I've never seen anything like it! Moya could fit in its mouth!
Chiana: It's the remains of a Budong, one of the largest creatures there is.
Crichton: For the last month, you've been telling us about this fantastic place where we're gonna get fed... and this is it? A big - rotting - Budong?

The Ribs rose from the earth at the edges of the empty ground. Leviathan shards of yellowing ivory thicker than the oldest trees exploded out of the ground, bursting away from each other, sweeping up in a curved ascent until, more than a hundred feet above the earth, looming over the roofs of the surrounding houses, they curved sharply back towards each other. They climbed as high again till their points nearly touched, vast crooked fingers, a god-sized ivory mantrap. ->There had been plans to fill the square, to build offices and houses in the ancient chest cavity, but they had come to nothing. Tools used on the site broke easily and went missing. Cement would not set. Something baleful in the half-exhumed bones kept the gravesite free of permanent disturbance.

"They took Ymir and transported him to the middle of Ginnungagap, and out of him made the earth, out of his blood the sea and the lakes. The earth was made of the flesh and the rocks of the bones, stone and scree they made out of the teeth and molars and out of the bones that had been broken."
High, Prose Edda

Waves lap the slabby sides of a vast turtle-shell bigger than any cathedral. Chelonites loaf on wooden docks around the shell-sides, staring sullenly. Lamps hang like decorations in a festive butcher's window. All around you, the sea is rank with scraps of ancient flesh.
The Chelonate, Sunless Sea

Long ago, the world was nothing more than an endless sea cloaked in a boundless sky, reaching as far as could possibly be imagined. Then two great titans came into existence: the Bionis and the Mechonis. The titans were locked in a timeless battle, until at last...only their lifeless corpses remained.
Shulk, narrating the opening of Xenoblade Chronicles 1.
