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"Rather than being its own genre with its own tropes and cliches, (90s Isekai shows) were seen as more of an extension of the myriad of fantasy anime that came out in the 90s, and as the fantasy trend started to die out when the 2000s came along, it was only then that the calling cards of what we now expect from isekai became prevalent in the genre. Gone were our female protagonist and traditional fantasy world. .hack and the Greed Island arc of Hunter × Hunter 's original adaptation introduced the idea of having your consciousness trapped in a virtual world, and Zero no Tsukaima 2006 saw harem elements added and most importantly came at a time when the idea of Light Novel adaptations were just starting. Combine all these aspects and you have the building blocks for the show that marked the explosion of the modern isekai genre as we know it. What show am I talking about? What other show could I be talking about?"
