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I remember years ago when Kevin Lygo was in-charge of Channel 4, and they had a bad year. To myself and Tim Hincks, he just said: 'Guys, can I tell you what I need? I just need a hit. Have you got one?' And we said 'Do you know what, we have this thing, Deal or No Deal, we've been kicking around, why don't you come along and have a look at it?' Came along, had a look at it, and said 'Yep, I'll have 200 of those'. And it was getting 5 million within six months.
They don't have a hit quiz, Channel 4, which is crazy; every channel has a hit quiz. Hit quizzes are sort-of actually quite easy to do because people love quizzes. You get a great format, you get a host that people like, boom you're done. BBC 2's biggest shows are House of Games, Only Connect and University Challenge. They don't cost them anything at all, people love them, and they can make hundreds and hundreds of episodes. That's the sort of thing you need on a channel, just to bring people day in and day out, but a simple thing like that, they don't have it.
Richard Osman explains the appeal of game shows for television networks, "Will Channel 4 Shut Down and is MrBeast Moving To Mainstream TV?"
