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Quotes / Friendship-Hating Antagonist

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Twilight Sparkle: It's the Magic of...
Storm King: [audibly annoyed] Yeah, yeah! Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and blehhh! I'm so totally over the "cute pony" thing. This. Ends. NOW!

"Saving the world? You? Don't make me laugh. You're weak. And you know what makes you weak? Your loyalty to your pathetic friends. You're not going through that portal... I'll show you just how weak you are!"
Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

''Look kid— I don't give a shit about your friends, but this is a good excuse to get a lay of the land these days."'
Dagda, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse if you choose the option to abandon the Hunters at the Sky Tower instead of helping them.

Mega Man: I won't let anything happen to my friends! That's why I've made a vow to myself! I will protect my friends no matter the cost!
Rogue: When your friends are in danger, you unleash your power. Just like last time... Friends... Bonds... I'll make you and all those pointless things disappear! This time things will end differently. By my blood I will prove the futility of all that you hold dear!
Mega Man: We'll see about that! If you even think about hurting my friends, I'll tear you apart!
Rogue during his second encounter with MegaMan at Whazzap, Mega Man Star Force 2

"Donny-Boy, take it from your old man. A friend is just someone you haven't fired yet. When you need a friend, do what I do; buy a cigar and name it. Isn't that right, David?"
