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Quotes / Flying Brick

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Songbird: Flying, strength and laser beams are enough for anyone.
Moonstone: They would be for someone like you.

"Guys, Hawkman sucks. Hawkman sucks real bad. I would venture to say that he is the worst of the DC characters still kicking around from the Golden Age. Which is weird, because he shouldn't be, right? He's got a really cool look. He look awesome: he's got the helmet with the feathers. I will respect any character who goes into battle with flying gorillas and guys with names like the Sin Eater and doesn't even wear a shirt. Just straps it on, ready to go. That's a cool dude — In theory... With Hawkman, the flying thing is all he's got. And not only can Superman do that, everyone can do that. Ninety percent of superhero characters, their powers are 'flight and...' Especially when you get to the eighties and nineties."
Chris Sims, Here's the Thing

"It's all psionics, you know. ... No humanoid form of that size, however different from ours, is capable of storing enough energy to do what The Plutonian does. Those aren't laser beams coming out of his corneas. They're what happens when he transfers kinetic energy to the air molecules striking his eyes, turning them into a stream of superheated gas. Arctic breath? Opposite effect. He can withdraw molecular motion from the air, reducing its temperature to sub-freezing. He can't emit 'x-rays' from his eyes. Instead, he mentally alters the atomic structure of the objects he's looking at, making them more permeable to electromagnetic radiation in general. That way, his brain can interpolate an 'image' based on all various electromagnetic wavelengths it can perceive that our sense cannot. He flies by shifting his mass into the surrounding atmosphere, telekinetically 'squeezing through' it like a soap through a fist. Most remarkably of all, he manipulates the density of matter with a thought, toughening his skin and muscle harder than diamond while, conversely, temporarily reducing the mass of solids he makes contact with so he can smash through them or lift, say ocean liners without them collapsing under their own weight or making Isaac Newton spin in his grave."
Modeus, Irredeemable

"Holy moley! I'm big! Whoa! I'm strong! I'm fast! And I can fly!"
Billy Batson discovering his Captain Marvel powers, Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam
