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Quotes / Fluffy the Terrible

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Gee up, Binky!
Death, to his pale horse, Wyrd Sisters

"Oh, good. Good. I was worried it'd be something intimidating like, uh, Sheldon or Tim."
Manny about Rudy the giant Baryonyx, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

"I am not cute! Whoever heard of a cute supervillain???"
Fluffy, the Darkwing Duck comics from Disney Adventures

Harry: "He tried to get past that three-headed dog at Hallowe'en. It bit him. We think he was trying to steal whatever it was guarding."
Hagrid (shocked): "How'd you know about Fluffy?"

Booker: "Here bird!"
(Giant mechanical Songbird lands on airship and kills multiple rebels)

Aang: "Its Sparky Sparky Boom Man!"
Sokka: "You know, I'm starting to think that name doesn't really fit...."

"Look out, it's Jumby! Stop laughing, he's coming!"

"We have three crocodiles [that will chase you]: Fluffy, Skipper, and Bob."
Crocodile Expert, MythBusters

Pierce: Look out, here comes Paul!
Boss: Paul? You named it Paul?!

Mr. Owl: So, where do you want to look first? Mount Ruin, or Mount Marmalade?
Steve: Which one is which?
Mr. Owl: Mount Ruin is the huge, evil looking one.
Mr. Owl: Yes. I imagine that would be pretty amusing.

"What's so 'mouse' about something that big?!"
Girls und Panzer after two tanks have been hit by a Maus super-heavy tank.

"If anyone were to offer a prize for the most unimaginative name ever applied to a fossil, [Pelagornis miocaenus] would be my nomination. To be confronted with an avian humerus nearly two feet long and distinguish it by a name that means simply 'Miocene seabird,' requires an unenviable dullness of spirit."
Smithsonian ornithologist Storrs Olson

Sullivan: What's his real name?
Ludwig: I beg your pardon?
Sullivan: Come on. You don't mean to tell me that this guy that you're so terrified of is actually called "Dizzy fuckin' Jones".
Wexle: It's not. It's more like a nickname, like how Voldemort was called "Tom".
Sullivan: You mean to say, that you're actually that scared of this fucker that you actually called him a goof name, I mean, "Voldemort" was supposed to intimidate because his actual name was fuckin' Tom.
Wexle: I'm not going-
Ludwig: His name was Mandus.
Sullivan: Mandus. Mandus! See, that's a name, you know, a name that fuckin' doesn't evoke a comedic, side-splitting response.

Queen Moon: I presume you're the one they call the Lizard?
Toffee: Yes, but you may call me... Toffee.
Queen Moon: Toffee?! How is that any better?
Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Moon the Undaunted

Ma Beagle: (Over the radio that Lena stole from the Ugly Failures) Ma to the Tumblebums. The rugrats have been spotted in your turf. Make them sorry that they crashed our party!
Huey: (trying hard not to laugh) The Tumblebums?! They sound adorable!
[A Monster Clown trio that can give Pennywise a run for its money suddenly come out of the bushes]
Huey: (now completely terrified) Never mind.
DuckTales (2017), "The Beagle Birthday Massacre"

"You know, 'Toothless,' uh... that is a terrible name for this dragon."
Gruffnut, Dragons: Race to the Edge, "A Gruff Separation"

"You named him Festus? You know that in Latin, 'festus' means 'happy'? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?"
Jason, The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero

Ennesby: From the Fleetmind, there is a single ship, the Plaited Daisies.
Tagon: Oh, there's a nice peaceful name... I assume it's one of Petey's Devastator-class warships?
Ennesby: Actually, he's dubbed this class Extortionators.

"You want to put me in a book? What, squished between the pages like a flower? Just try it, big man, I'll slit your jugular quick as blinking."
Dixiebell Buttercup the Spite, Warhammer Fantasy

"We call this the Aperture Science Extreme Mobile Mortality Inducer, or E.M.M.I. for short. Cute name, don't you think? This robot has gone through countless revisions, but we've finally reached a version that is almost impervious to any kind of weaponry. Good luck trying to outrun it."

"I am a dark spirit. I am a powerful being. I have the wisdom of the ages. I cannot be called PINK."

Vanilla Ice: Nothing can stop Cream!
Okuyasu: Cream? That's a pretty cute name for a Stand! You going for laughs here?
