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Quotes / Embarrassing First Name

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    Anime and Manga 
Kazuma: ...Lalatina.

Nasa Yuzaki: [narrating] Say you fall in love, get married, and end up having kids. I have one piece of advice.
Enishi Yuzaki: [looking at an infant Nasa] He's energetic all right; listen to that.
Kanoka Yuzaki: What do you think we should name our son?
Enishi: Something great, and big, like the universe itself. [Kanoka giggles] How about "Nasa," with the Kanji for "starry sky"?
Nasa: [narrating] ...please give your kid a normal name!

"This Marmaduke business. I want to take that up with you some time. Fancy you keeping that dark all these years."
"There's nothing wrong with being christened Marmaduke." said Chuffy, a little heatedly.
"Nothing wrong, no. But we shall all have a good laugh about it at the Drones."
"Bertie," said Chuffy tensely, "if you breath a word of it to those blighters at the Drones, I'll track you to the ends of the earth and strangle you with my bare hands."

There are only two ways a child can go with a name like Pippin Galadriel Moonchild, and Pepper had chosen the other one.

"You shouldn't name a boy 'Cyril' or 'Percy', because the other boys will want to punch him repeatedly in the mouth, and I can't say as I blame them. And you shouldn't give a girl's name a cute spelling, such as 'Cyndi', because no matter how many postgraduate degrees she gets she will never advance any further than clerk-typist."
Dave Barry, Babies and Other Hazards of Sex: How to Make a Tiny Person in Only 9 Months, with Tools You Probably Have around the Home

She hated the name "Ermintrude." It was the "trude," really. "Ermin," now, that wasn't bad at all. "Trudy," too, sounded quite jolly, but her grandmother had said it sounded fast, whatever that meant, and banned her from using it. Even "Gertrude" would have done. You still had your "trude," of course, but one of the royal princesses was named Gertrude, and some of the newspapers called her "Princess Gerti" and that sounded like the name of a girl who might have some fun in life.
But Ermintrude, she thought, was exactly the kind of name that would invite a young man to tea and mess it all up.

Alex moved to the door. He opened it but then seemed to have second thoughts. "Can I ask one final question, Mrs Jones?"
"Yes. Go ahead."
"It's just something I've always wondered and I might as well ask you now." He paused. "What's your first name?"
Mrs Jones stiffened. Sitting behind his desk, Alan Blunt looked up. Then she relaxed. "It's Tulip," she told him. "My parents were keen gardeners."
Alex nodded. It made sense. He wouldn't have used that name either.
Alex Rider #5: Scorpia

"Midwingman Ezekiah Martin, and you can forget my first name now that you have it, if you please."
Martin introducing himself, His Majesty's Dragon, Temeraire

    Live-Action TV 
Rachel: I was thinking, if it's a girl, how about Sandrine? It's French.
Ross: Huh. That's a really pretty name... for an industrial solvent.
Friends, "The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath"

The Doctor: What's your name?
Osgood: [confused] ...Osgood.
The Doctor: No no no no, your first name.
Osgood: What's your first name?
The Doctor: Basil.
Osgood: ...Petronella.
The Doctor: Let's just, ah... Stick with what we had.
Doctor Who, "The Zygon Inversion"

"Once upon a time, there was a guy with the improbable name of Fox Mulder. He started out life happily enough, as these things go. He had parents who loved him, a cute kid sister. He had a roof over his head, got all his flu shots, had all his fingers and toes, and aside from being stuck with the name 'Fox', which probably taught him how to fight—or not—he pretty much led a normal life."
Morris Fletcher, The X-Files

"Don't you DARE call me Arthur!"
Arthur "Fonzie/the Fonz" Fonzarelli, Happy Days

Well my daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me,
Just this ol' guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
Now I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid,
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me 'Sue'.
Johnny Cash, "A Boy Named Sue"

    Video Games 
777: Now, Daisukenojo Bito, prepare to be face-melted!
Beat: Bwaaah!
Neku: Die...bee... What? Is that some kind of hex?
Beat: Yo, don't you dare use that name!
Neku: Name?! You don't mean...
Beat: .....

Gumshoe: [to Phoenix] Anyway, get the name right. And don't go calling me "Dick"...
Police: Hey, Dick! Get over here!
Gumshoe: Y-yes, sir!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, "Turnabout Sisters"

Hauyn: Is there something I can help you with, Bahamut? Oh, or should I call you Tiababylo?
Bahamut: Hm? You dare speak my true name before a stranger, have you lost your mind!?

"Wait... that's my name? Seriously? oh my goooooood"
Princess Mamoru Moonshine Jagermeister Jack Jack Daniels Timothy Tim Bill Freddy Mercury Blueberry Luna, Esquire (recently renamed), Kill Six Billion Demons

    Web Original 
Nick: Who's Jack?
Tawaki: C. S. Lewis. You try going by the name of Clive Staples sometime.

And I'm Voliostromort Guy. Everyone just calls me Guy though, cause I hate my first name.

    Western Animation 
Sonic: If you don't get out of here right now, I'll tell everyone your real name is "Miles"!
Tails: No! Not that!

Steve: Hello, Schmuley.
Snot: The fuck did you just call me?
American Dad!, "Moon Over Isla Island"

Storkules: From henceforth, you shall be known as "Hubert, Tamer of Winds" and "Llewellyn, Fighter of Storms".
Huey: Awesome!
Louie: Please do not say my real name out loud!
DuckTales (2017), "The Spear of Selene!"

Mac: So there I was, sweating in the searing heat of the Serengeti, alone, when I heard an ominous rumbling. Several angry rhinos were charging right at me!
Molly and Tooey: (gasp)
Andie: Ahem.
Mac: Well, one very angry rhino.
Andie: AHEM.
Mac: A grumpy rhino.
Andie: Aloysius…
Molly: Who's Aloysius?
Mac: (embarrassed) Uh, that would be me.
Molly of Denali, "Molly and the Great One"

Elasti-Girl: We're all very proud of you Garfield. (hugs Beast Boy) Take care.
Cyborg: Garfield?
Beast Boy: (laughs nervously)
Raven: Oh, I'm gonna get a lot of mileage out of this one.
Teen Titans (2003), "Homecoming - Part 2"
