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Quotes / Distracted by the Sexy

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"If you're just trying to impress me— It's sort of working. Are you single?"
Dr. Botz, Cassiopeia Quinn

"Hi! I’m Hayden Panettiere, and I'm hot enough that I know I have your attention for at least 30 seconds."
The John McCain Funny Or Die "ad"

"Dirty monkey! [Goku vanishes] Huh? Where - (turns around to find himself facing Goku's abs) Oh my God, you could grind meat on those — GAH!"

Cell: So, you gonna take a swing? Or are you just gonna stand there, staring into my eyes?
Goku: Hm? What was that? I was busy staring into your eyes.

Ruby: Just look at the ball.
Sapphire: I'm trying, but all I want to look at is you!
Ruby: Don't worry. You can look at me when you're running for home.

Phineas: Hey Ferb, snap out of it. What happened back there [when you got those blueprints mixed up]?
Ferb: I... was weak.
Phineas and Ferb, "I Scream, You Scream"note 

Artemus Gordon: It's nice having her on board, she's a breath of fresh ass.
James West: Pardon me?
Artemus Gordon: What?
James West: You said "ass."
Artemus Gordon: No, I didn't. I said, "It's nice having her on board, she's a breast of fresh air."

"But how can I [look at Jack's eyes in Titanic], when... boobies?"
Bret Elrich, The Rotten Tomatoes Show

"it was at that point when i got distracted by his mom's HOT ASS…"

"Gaaaahhh!!! Leg Cramp!"
Laguna, Dissidia Duodecim, Final Fantasy

"Sure, they're easy. That's why I dress like this. When they're looking down to check you out, you can usually smash them on the base of the skull, or deliver an uppercut that knocks them flat... It's simple. When you want a man, you jab him with a Bothan Stunner, then while he's screaming in pain, slap some stun cuffs on him. Then starve him for two or three days until he becomes open to suggestion, then double check his bounty and see if he's worth anything... Call it what you want. Me, I love my targets."

"I've been a young man. Boobs are near the center of the universe, until you turn twenty-five or so. Which is also when young men's auto insurance rates go down. This is not a coincidence."

Bomb-Disposal Expert: (calmly but urgently) Okay, we have fifteen seconds to bypass the timer circuit. On the count of three, I'm going to switch to auxiliary power, and I want you to short out these contacts, got it?
Second Expert: Got it.
First Expert: Okay, one, two... (an attractive woman walks by)
First Expert: Whoa.
Second Expert: Yes.
First Expert: Mmm-MMM.
Second Expert: YES.
First Expert: Whoa momma.
Second Expert: YESSSS.
Bomb: Boom.
Dave Barry's Guide to Guys (explaining Lust-Induced Brain Freeze)

Alice: (with regards to a comic at a comic shop) Hey, if I pretended to hit on you, would I distract you long enough to sneak it away?
Leonard: ... Yes, but you would be using your superpowers for evil.
Alice: Damn, I've been forbidden by my Kryptonian father to do so... I'm Alice.
Leonard: (shakes her hand) Leonard.
Alice: You're very cute, Leonard.
Leonard: Thanks, you too. (offers the comic) You know, go ahead and take it.
Alice: No no no, I did evil.

Bernadette: This is gonna be a long weekend for you.
Howard: You're the reason I'm doing it!
Bernadette: I said to stop insulting each other! I didn't tell you to take [Sheldon] on a romantic getaway!
Howard: How do I know what you said? Damn you and your noise-canceling breasts.

"It wasn't my fault! I was falling madly in love with her! I was bedazzled by her sweet bosom!"
Prince Thadeous, Your Highness

"Your words sound vaguely suspicious, but I'm too distracted by your midriff to notice. Seriously, I bet you could grate cheese on those abs."

"That's why you need to join your forces and use your powers for good....holy shit Matilda! You've got a great rack!"

(Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie walk into a shed full of dismembered and/or mutilated animal corpses)
Spike: Oh my God! ... (runs over to a box full of "Playhorse" magazines) Look at all this porn!

"All I know about Zatanna's hokey magic is when she says something backwards, she causes it to happen. Guess I'll have to humor her until I can shock her back to reality. Just hope SHE doesn't shock me into FANTASY first!"
Green Arrow, Action Comics 434 "Zatanna's Double Identity!"

Asuka: Ow! Watch it, Third!
Shinji: I’m sorr-
Asuka: I bet I could fling you off this spot hard enough to hit the roof of that truck, Third Child. What gives?
Shinji: Um… I wasn’t watching where I was going?
Asuka: …you were staring at my ass again, weren’t you?
Shinji: ………yes?
Asuka: (smirking wickedly) Good.
A Crown of Stars, chapter 48

"I'm sorry," his mouth said on autopilot. A small part of his brain was concentrating on not dropping the hot pot on his feet, because most of it was trying not to drool helplessly over the way Asuka's long, smooth legs disappeared up under the hem of the towel, mixed in with memories of last night that said sight triggered.
Shinji Ikari, Advice and Trust, chapter 3

You can't think, "That's a cute girl in the fifth seat from the right." And you can't be thinking about where you're going on that date, because the minute you do, that's when you lose!
Tidus, Final Fantasy X

Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?
Neo: I was...
Morpheus: Look again!
(The woman in the red dress is now an Agent.)

The roof was open, the music was high.
This girl's hand was slowly moving up my thigh.
She had opened up three buttons on her shirt so far.
I guess that's why I didn't notice that police car.
DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, "Parents Just Don't Understand"

Power Girl slipped out from under his grasp like a greased weasel.
She had been gauging the pressure of his grip with great accuracy. Her talk to Badra had a specific effect on Mala, she could tell by a certain feeling against her back. And when a man starts to think down there, she told herself, he loses a little ability to think up elsewhere.

The Doctor: Rory? Did you drop the couplings?
Rory: Sorry.
The Doctor: How could you do that? I told you not to drop them! I specifically mentioned, no dropping them!
Amy: It was my fault.
The Doctor: Of course it wasn't your fault.
Rory: It kinda was her fault.
The Doctor: How could it be your fault?
Amy: Because it was my skirt, and my husband, and your glass floor.
The Doctor: [disgusted] Oh, Rory!
Rory: [very obviously still staring up Amy's skirt] Sorry.

"So you came up on to the deck to sketch pictures of young men working without their shirts on. You expect this to help your concentration?"

Wasp: Hey, Banner! Betty Ross got a rack as nice as these?
Nick Fury: A double PHD and the only way to distract the Hulk yould think of is with a Mardi Grass special?
Wasp: Oh, give me a break, Nick! It worked, didn't it?

"Oh, shit! I can't stop looking at his abs! Why does this always happen to women? Every stupid damn time, women fall in trance by looking at sexy muscular men. I hate it when that happens! I really do!"
Amy while unwrapping the bandages off Sonic, Pink Riding Hood by GothNebula

Jade: Anise, why are you fighting in a swimsuit?
Anise: It's good that you noticed, Colonel! This is "Operation Sexy Anise"!
Luke: Are you stupid?
Anise: What do you mean 'stupid'!? When the monsters are stupefied with my sex appeal, they leave openings!
Jade: I see. Now I understand...
Luke: What?
Jade: Anise being targeted so much in the last battle... it was because of the swimsuit, right?
Anise: WHAT!? Are you saying that "Operation Sexy Anise" backfired!?
Luke: Heh! Perhaps it'll be better if you just stay in the swimsuit.
Anise: Boo-boo! You meanie!
Tales of the Abyss. 'Fail' or not, sex appeal still distracts.

When an American man catches sight of a bosom, his head snaps toward it, his eyeballs lock onto it like missile radar, and a loud alarm goes off in his brain, similar to the one in submarine movies that goes "DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!"—except it goes "BOSOM! BOSOM! BOSOM!" As long as the man is within range of the bosom (12 miles) his head will remain pointed toward it and he will be unable to think about anything else; this is the primary cause of freighters running aground.
Dave Barry, "He Would Flee Bosoms, But His Car Is Booted"

(Peter, fresh from plastic surgery, is walking away while Lois stares at his sculpted ass)
Brian: Are you gonna take that?
(Lois continues staring)
Brian: Lois!
Lois: What? Oh, Brian, I was j—er, ah... I was seeing if the, uh... driveway.
Brian: That wasn't even a sentence. You were ogling Peter like a horny schoolgirl.
Lois: Oh, I can't help it! I know, I know, he's become a superficial, egomaniacal jerk, but... I've never been more attracted to him! Oh, does that make me a bad person?
Brian: Yes! Yes, it does make you a bad person!
Family Guy, "He's Too Sexy for His Fat"

Chris Kelly: Why did you do it? Why did you force me out of the Navy?
Navy flight instructor: Because I want my pilots thinking about wind shear, ordnance and instrumentation. Not about which pretty Lieutenant they want to bang next.
Pacific Blue

Jamal: Wow, these cloud formations are amazing, C! Look, that one looks like an elephant! And that one looks like a school bus, and that one looks like Cool-io! What do you see, C-Bear?
C-Bear: [pulls down his sunglasses] Hell-o! I see that fine new mail carrier comin' up the block! Check her out, she's all that, and a bag of chips, a bowl of bean dip, and a jar of cookies, and a root beer float!
C-Bear and Jamal, "Sleepless in South Central"

<Prince Jake.> He nodded briefly. <They were expecting a press reaction, so I gave them one. Now that the idiots guarding this place are out of sight of this form's apparently attractive components, at least some of their brains are probably going to turn back on enough to wonder how I got here so quickly without a car.>
I nodded, looking very closely at his eyes and nowhere else. Definitely not looking at the scary dangerous genocidal alien who had like eighty different morphs that could eat me and oh god
why had I already noticed that he wasn’t wearing a bra? What was wrong with my stupid hormonal brain?
Eleutherophobia: The Thing from Another World

"Seiya! I'm sorry I kept you waitin—Ooh, six-pack..."

"'Here it comes! Nii-sama, are you-' Breasts..."
Melody gets distracted reading dialogue from Nekopara

Wild Bob: Crap, there's a guard there we need to get past.
Lady Boop: Don't worry, I'll stop him with my womanly charm.

Dorothy: Wasn't that story about the heart transplant amazing?
Blanche: Oh, I wasn't paying attention. I was fantasizing what Tom Brokaw looks like naked.

Veronica: Woah, nellie! He's caught my eye!
Betty: Too bad that red light didn't!
Archie Comics, Betty and Veronica in "Drive Me Crazy"

"You know, it makes a little too much sense that one of the absolute biggest hits of the 2000s was based on a true story from a recording session where Usher was literally too horny to work."
