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Quotes / Differently Powered Individual

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Objects of Power are unique in their capacity to grant certain individuals paranatural abilities. We call these individuals "parautilitarians".
The potency of these abilities depends on the parautilitarian. Using the [REDACTED] Objects of Power as an example, some parautilitarians can achieve a throw distance of [REDACTED] while others are only capable of as little as [REDACTED] (see Dr. Darling presentation 11.15 for more information).
What exactly determines as individual's paranatural competence is unknown, but is largely believed that some [REDACTED] exists within the body and that, like all muscles, it can be exercised. To continue my analysis, I have officially requested access to the Northmoor records, considering he is one of the most accomplished parautilitarians the Bureau has ever seen. Dr. Darling is still considering this request.
Refer to file 8-54-1982 for full report.
— Research & Records: Parautility, Control
