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Quotes / Diegetic Soundtrack Usage

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"Oh my god, he's playing her love cue!"
Narrator, Jane the Virgin

Karen: Who lives in a crabapple under a pea?
SpongeBob: Hey, catchy song!
Karen: Observant and yellow fellow is he!
SpongeBob SquarePants, "Karen's Virus"

Crime solving devil
It makes sense
Don't overthink it
Lucifer (playing on a guitar and singing it to the show's theme tune), Lucifer (2016), "Candy Morningstar"

Jeremy: (narrating) James, meanwhile, wasn't even enjoying the excellent music on the local radio station...
["Jessica" by The Allman Brothers Band (the original version of Top Gear's theme music) is playing on the car stereo as James points in disbelief]
James: I wasn't expecting to hear that!
Jeremy: "On tonight's progam..." (chuckles)
