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Quotes / Deranged Animation

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Cartoon rubbish entitled 'Full Frontal Nudity': Written, created and concieved off the back of a lorry by a demented American.
— Script to Monty Python's Flying Circus episode "Full Frontal Nudity".

"Finn, your mind's been transported back in time. And to Mars."

"Anything is possible in a cartoon!"
Wile E. Coyote (on a sign), while climbing up thin air as if it were stairs.

"You're watching The Family Learning Channel. And now, angry ticks fire out of my nipples."

"And this is where the animators just gave the hell up."
Dave Willis and others, during a riff of the Transformers: Generation One episode Nightmare Planet at BotCon 2013

Something bugging you?
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Adventure, said while his face is contorting to match the voice.

"To try to express realistic human behavior in animation has limitations. Such attempts in serious animation are often absurdly ridiculous. Why would one imitate reality? Just leave it to living actors! Earthbound reality is not for animation. Animation is a stylized, fantastic world.”
Marcell Jankovics, on the reasoning for this style of animation
