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Quotes / David Versus Goliath

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"History is rife with the few who stand against many. The weak going against the strong."
Kyril Sutherland, The Night Unfurls

"Despise infantry if you must. Crush them underfoot, by all means. But do not ignore them. Battlefields are littered with the wreckage of Titans whose crews ignored infantry."
Grand Master Ferromort of Division Reductor, Warhammer 40,000

"It's like David and Goliath, but this time, David won!"
Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

"Nobody roots for Goliath."

"Prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade."
The Ancestor, Darkest Dungeon

Suddenly it was Andy who had the upper hand. It was Hadley who had the gun on his hip and the billy in his hand, Hadley who had his friend Greg Stammas behind him and the whole prison administration behind Stammas, the whole power of the state behind that, but all at once in the golden sunshine it didn't matter, and I felt my heart leap up in my chest as it never had since the truck drove me and four others through the gate back in 1938 and I stepped out into the exercise yard.

"That is a Galaxy-class starship! We are no match for them!"
B'Etor, sister of Duras, Star Trek: Generations

Basically, if someone was going to stop the Yeerks, it would have to be humans. Us. Five normal kids. Five average, everyday, mall-crawling, behind on their homework, not sure about their haircuts, awkward around members of the opposite sex, sometimes smart, sometimes dumb kids. On the Yeerks' side they had faster-than-light spacecraft, thousands of impossible-to-detect human-Controllers, Dracon beam weapons, and seven-foot-tall, bladed Hork-Bajir warriors. On our side we had... we had nothing.
Except that Elfangor gave us something: the power to morph. The power to become any animal we could touch. He transformed us with the blue box. And since that awful night when Prince Elfangor died at the hands of the Yeerk leader, Visser Three, we have used those powers to fight them.
Sometimes we even win.
Animorphs #21: The Threat

Antó. How many years have we fought? Your men, in the mountains, with no weapons to speak of. And my army, resplendent. And yet you live, and I die...
