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Quotes / Dark Action Girl

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Helga: "This woman going to make you scream like little girl."

Black Canary: Sensei's last request to me - he asked me not to try to arrest you. Ever.
Lady Shiva: He asked me not to kill you, ever. The requests are one and the same.
Birds of Prey #62

Revy: *sigh* ROCK! Fucking shit for brains! The only fucking reason we're not dead right now is BECAUSE, for some fucking reason that fucking war maniac bitch put her gun away! Or maybe it was God's grace or your great sense of humor! Yeah, I agreed to be your gun while we were here, but this is FUCKED! I could protect you through the fucking Alamo! But it's just not fucking possible to protect a guy who's trying so damn hard to get FUCKING KILLED ALL THE TIME!
Revy: NOT EVEN CLOSE! I'm fucking pissed! Anyone but you, this would have been a bloodbath!

Amongst the people of the north, there is a strange legend of a cruel but beautiful warrior women who is the consort of Khorne himself. Her violent deeds are watched over by her battle-hungry patron and it is said that those who earn her blessing will fight in the halls of the Blood God for all eternity. Her name is Valkia the Bloody, and she was returned from the dead to further the work of Khorne.
Warhammer: Warriors Of Chaos Army Book (7th edition)

Big Sister doesn't want you playing with me...
A Little Sister, Bioshock 2

Suzie Shooter. Also known as Shotgun Suzie, also known as Oh God, it's her, run! The only woman ever thrown out of the SAS for unacceptable brutality.

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
Tumblr catchphrase

Akko: Man, I just had the weirdest dream.
Sucy: That's nothing compared to the nightmares I could give you.

Risky Boots: If you want to make something bend to your will... you'd better be prepared to break it as well.
Shantae: You're a scary lady.

Payback's a bitch, and I'm it.
Ashelin, Jak II: Renegade

"I am as God made me, I have no desire
For a mouth at my breast or a pot on the fire
I heed the high voices, I go where I'm sent
To mow down the men who refuse to repent
I'm a scythe in a field full of briars"
Heather Dale, "Joan"
