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Quotes / Dance Battler

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Yukiko Amagi: I shall show you my greatest fire dance!
Weiss Schnee: How lovely, I'm a confident dancer myself. Allow me to join you.

"She always did love to dance."
Simon Tam (about River), Serenity

"A warrior who cannot dance? Clumsy in both war and peace he is."
Yoda, Star Wars

"My life may end in a big song and dance number."
Parson Gotti (when being attacked by an army of these), Erfworld

"I'm told I can cut a rug, but tonight it's gonna bleed."
The Megas, "Can't Stop The Top"

"Alright, here's the 411, folks. Say some gangsta is dissin' your fly girl. Ya just give 'em one of these!" [does some dancing, then pulls out a shotgun and fires it at the ceiling]
Moe Szyslak parodying the trope, The Simpsons

It's the method of travel for little girls; how bad could it hurt? Well, without getting too deep into the physics of it, Ebersole uses the centrifugal force of the cartwheel to pull all nearby happiness to the center of his body. This leaves his feet with nothing to feel but hate.

Shifting, swaying... she mesmerizes her prey before the final strike!
The Ancestor, Darkest Dungeon, when recruiting the Shieldbreaker

Let your enemies beware, for a Harlequin of the Laughing God is dancing on your side today!
Dawn of War, when a Harlequin is recruited.

Para você, para você, vem dançar
Para você, para você, Capoeira
—Gregor Sato, "Para Voce" (feat. Curio Capoeira)

Teetsi: Let's Dance!
Alex: Okay, but it's only fair to warn you that I am a protégé of... Fosse! And Robbins!
