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Quotes / Damn You, Muscle Memory!

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"Stupid... muscle... memory created by playing swimming levels in Mario a lot. No!"

"Once again, trying to spin-jump when I can't. You could so easily get spoiled by that one rather awesome ability in Super Mario just take it for granted until you play some other game that isn't Super Mario World and try to do it."
Amber Vasami, Let's Play Super Mario Bros. 3 SMAS, Part 4

"B is... B is not cover; B is grenade!"

"Hold on, hold on, let me write this down. Right-click moves... and right-click attacks. What does left-click do again? Ugh, I hate learning new control schemes!"

"Look, I've had 30 years of itnote  being left and forward, it's a difficult habit to get out of."
James May, Top Gear (UK), attempting to explain why the car he's driving keeps backing into things.

"You can customize the button layout like you were able to in all the other X games, but for some reason, the camera is locked to being on buttons. By default, the camera's on L1 and R1. Switching weapons, something that's always been on the shoulder buttons, is now on the right analog stick. Full 3D camera control on the right analog stick was something Mega Man Legends 2 got right three years before this game. I just don't understand how this control scheme was ever considered a good idea, more baffling being that there exist 3D sections without camera control at all when it really could've helped."
J's Reviews, on Mega Man X7

"People hate this tile shit, so they go to the desktop to escape it. But they missed their Start buttons. So Windows 8.1 brought it back! But if you click it, it goes right back to this [tile] shit."
Gabe: If you were wondering, this is how UI designers say "fuck you."

"If you played any of the previous parts: erase your memory of the controls NOW or you may be confused. Yes, it was necessary to change the controls to fit better to Sam's new abilities."
io3creations, on Stickman Sam Part 3

Tooey: What were those kicks?
Trini: I just thought I'd add in a few of own moves. You know, spice it up a little.
Tooey: You can't do that.
Trini: I can't?
Molly: This is a traditional dance.
Tooey: We have to do it exactly the way grandma taught me.
Trini: Oh. I'm really sorry.
Tooey: That's okay. You didn't know. It's just that grandma is trusting me to teach you and Molly the correct way.
Trini: Okay. I get it now. No spice. Let's do it again.
Tooey: Left hand up, then your right hand up. Sway left, sway right.
Trini: (kicks) Wait! That was an accident!
Tooey: That's okay. Let's just keep going. Hands forward, then raise them up. Higher!
Trini: Ahhh! didn't mean to do that with my hands! Can we stop? (music stops) I was practicing all last night and my body won't forget all that spice I put in.
Molly of Denali, "Lynx to the Past"
