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Quotes / Cute Kitten

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No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.

I can't believe you could have a heart failure just from being sad. I mean, how are you supposed to treat that?
(Cut to Imagine Spot)
JD from Scrubs

Aw, look, a cute kitten. Here's a fifty dollar savings bond.
Bystander to Nermal, from Garfield and Friends

Fluttershy: I think this widdle puddy tat has your name written all over it! Yes he does...
Kitten: Mew! *nuzzles Rainbow Dash and generally looks adorable*
Fluttershy: ... aww, look, he likes you!
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, "May the Best Pet Win!" note 

"I keep thinking: okay, that's the cutest thing ever, and then she does something cuter and completely resets the whole scale."

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur; Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr...."
— Any handy female friend to Dr Sheldon Cooper in times when he feels distressed, in The Big Bang Theory

She considered vomiting too, but decided it wouldn't make her feel any better. Nothing she could think of would. But here was Jorin, anxiously nuzzling her ear, trying to crawl into her lap where he hadn't fit since he was a kitten.
Jame and Jorin, Chronicles of the Kencyrath

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Of course I reconstruct what they said but this is the sort of thing I have heard drooling, well-meaning two-footers say when staring at kittens. And who can blame them? There are no creatures in the world more endearing than young kittens with large eyes and large paws and soft, fluffy little coats.

Otis: Something's wrong with the computer.
O'Seth: You have a virus. How did you get a virus?
Olympia: No idea.
O'Beth: Did you download a file called "Virus Cat"?
Olympia: We thought it was a picture of a sick cat.
Otis: In fairness, it did sound adorable.

Orla: What is in the rest of this book?
Oswald: [sighs] Pictures of kittens, just to fill it out-
[Opal, Oswald and Orla all give "aww's" as they flip through the pages]
