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Quotes / Curiosity Killed the Cast

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"Ignorance killed the cat, sir. Curiosity was framed."
C.J. Cherryh

"She was curious. That's why Fred didn't put [Illyria's sarcophagus] into containment immediately. How things work. What makes them special. She was always searching for what other people couldn't see. She was just curious. I think I hate her a little for that."
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Angel

"Our motivation at this point I will leave to psychologists to decide."
The Narrator, At the Mountains of Madness

"What's that over there? I guess I'll have to take a look."
Random Victim, Violent Shit

"3 little kiddies playing in the park
Said the first kiddie, let's go home before it gets dark
the first two went on their merry way home.
The third stayed playing. All alone
Come here little child, come to me!
The bushes whispered softly
They say curiosity killed the cat..."
My secret Note #1, Cry of Fear

"Steady," said Dad with a smile. "Curiosity is a descending stair—"
I finished the oft-spoken rhyme with him: "—that leads to only who-knows-where." Then I added, "but inquisitiveness will pay dividends when I'm a senior monitor."

"This was the first point I considered giving up on the game, but curiosity killed the cat, didn’t it? Or, in this case, curiosity killed everyone. Curiosity is a dangerous, dangerous thing..."
Ihsoy Creepypasta

"Arrrrgh! Your curiosity will be the death of you!!!"
Zhar the Mad, Diablo

"You just said that you think the killer is up there, and that's where you want to go? That's insane! What you need is to run out this door!"

"If you come across a body, do not walk slowly in the direction of a suspicious noise, or stand above the body in a stunned state of shock. Instead, call the police on your cell phone. "

Cally: You're not going to follow the freighter all the way to Horizon?
Blake: Why not? I'm curious.
Avon: Oh, you are curious. Well, I'm glad we have a worthwhile purpose.
Blake: Doesn't it interest you a little?
Avon: No. There's nothing out there. We are on the edge. Even Zen has nothing on it. That could mean anything. An experimental war zone, anything.
Blake's 7, "Horizon"

Casey: Who's there? Who's there? I'm calling the police.
<phone rings, Casey picks it up, it's Ghostface>
Ghostface: You should never say "who's there?", don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish. You might as well just come out here to investigate a strange noise or something.

"Curiosity got the cat, and your curiosity just got you."
Hivolt's Bond One-Liner if he defeats Vent/Aile in their boss fight, Mega Man ZX

Have you ever been in a theater when the girl in the movie hears a strange noise and decides to see where it's coming from? Notice how everyone in the audience starts tensing up as she climbs the stairs? That's because they know one of the basic horror movie equations: investigation = mutilation.

“There’s something that doesn’t make sense. Let’s go and poke it with a stick.”
Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who

Curiosity killed the cat / Curiosity did just that
The little cat had nine lives it's true / But only one life was given to you
So it isn't so wise to snoop / Or you'll finish up in the soup
You better just stop right where you're at. / Wopple-up-gup, remember that! / Curiosity killed the cat!
Mother Penguin "Peeping Penguins", Color Classics
