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Quotes / Clumsy Copyright Censorship

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Chris: Chloe informs Clark that she’s leaving again, and going to Star City, because she met people in her travels. She met “a billionaire with high-tech toys” and “a wondrous woman”... This is shamelessly wretched writing to sandwich in references that, because licensing rights are tied up elsewhere, have to be even more cutesy and grating than normal. If I didn’t already hate this show, that would’ve done it.
David: It’s not even licensing rights, it’s just WB internal mandate.
Chris: It’s dumb as a bag of hammers is what it is.
Chris Sims and David Uzumeri on Smallville ("Roulette)"

Lawyer: STOP THE AUDIO! Shut it down, NOW!
Wood Carver: But why? Who the hell are you?
Lawyer: I am an intellectual property attorney, and you have stolen my client's melody!

While I would love to use my personal favorite adaptation of A Christmas Carol in this review, I also like having my YouTube channel and don't particularly want to duel the multi-limbed abomination that is the House of Mouse in a battle of copyright law. So everyone say hello to 1951's A Christmas Carol and feel free to use your mind's eye to paint in Muppets and Michael Caine.
