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Quotes / Classified Information

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She slides the file across my desk and I open the flyleaf. It starts with TOP SECRET and a date round about the battle of the Somme, crossed out and replaced with successively lower classifications until fifteen years ago it was marked down to MILDLY EMBARRASSING NO TABLOIDS.

Sam: I'll believe that when they show me the file.
(Nancy pulls out a large folder and places it in front of Sam)
Sam: That's not an FBI file.
Nancy: It's an NSA file.
Sam: Nancy, I'm classified but I don't have code-word clearance.
Nancy: I know.
Sam: I'm saying I'm not allowed to see that and you could get in trouble for showing it to me.
Nancy: I could get arrested for showing it to you, which obviously I'm not going to do. (flips through the pages) I have blacked out any lateral reference that is code-word classified. Those are the only things I've blacked out, and they are in no way relevant to your question. Do you believe me?
Sam: (quietly) Of course.

"Everything I'm about to tell you is classified under a Level Three security clearance and is on a need-to-know basis."
— Opening line of SCP: Overlord
