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Quotes / Challenge Seeker

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Anime & Manga

"Mysteries are there to be solved! It'd spoil all the fun if someone were to give me the answer, you fool!"
Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty the Patriot

Lied: Well, I mean if you give us conditions like that, we can't help taking it as a challenge, you know?
Soi: (thinking): Oh right ... these guys ...
Jazz: Get promoted without being seen ... Is that all Purson?
Soi: (thinking): They laugh in the face of hardships.
Jazz: When all the Misfits stand together nothing is impossible. Wouldn't you agree?
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun about the Misfit Class.

Video Games

"If you take from a master criminal, you know you're a master thief."


Ben: So this is the "adjusted" challenge rating you referred to earlier.
The GM: This wasn't the first adjustment. Pete kept trivializing everything.
Pete: It was great!
Annie: If you like big challenges so much, why do you do everything you can to make things too easy?
Pete: There's no fun making a small challenge trivial.

Real Life

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
John F. Kennedy, Rice University speech, 1962

"Because it's there."
George Mallory, on being asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest
