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Quotes / Breather Episode

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Man, there's nothing like these inexplicable lapses in worldwide crises that we use to casually bond.
Student, X-Men: Worst X-Men Ever #4

"♪Now all that's left of her exists in me,
And I think that we can all agree
That is a little bit upsetting.
I'd rather think about a wedding!
Let's think about cake
Let's think about flowers
Let's think about dressing up and dancing around for hours.
There's an awful lot of awful things we could be thinking of,
But for just one day let's only think about love.♪"
Steven, Steven Universe, "Reunited" (which, despite his wishes, is not this trope)

"What do you say, Mabel? We've had a stressful couple of days. How 'bout we take a break, huh?"

"... It's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever."

"Come on, a day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky time wasting nonsense I’ve been missing!"

Sometimes, it's nice just to have a stress-free day. No drama, no twists.

"Yay! Normal school stuff!"

Ingrid: This is really nice. I'm glad we could put this whole thing together. Annette looks great. And really, I think we all needed this.
Edelgard: It's certainly a welcome change of pace from either pressing our noses to the grindstone or running from one end of Fódlan to another, encountering trauma after trauma. Even straitlaced, uptight sticks-in-the-mud like us still need a day from time to time when we can gorge ourselves on sweets.
