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Quotes / Born Unlucky

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If it wasn't for bad luck,
I wouldn't have no luck at all.
— "Born Under a Bad Sign"

"My father says [Azula] was Born Lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don't need luck though; I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am."

"I was born two months premature. When I was one, I was dropped on the porch. When I was two, I had pneumonia. When I was three, I got the chicken pox. When I was four, I fell down the stairs and broke six ribs. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by a watermelon. When I was six, my parents hit me in the head with a shovel. When I was seven, I lost my right index finger to my pet Rat. When I was eight, my dog Spike got hit by a tractor."
Dave, Fallout 2

"It never goes smooth. How come it never goes smooth?"
Captain Malcolm Reynolds, "Ariel", Firefly

"In the past three years, Kerensky’s been shot three times, caught a deadly disease four times, has been crushed under a rock pile, injured in a shuttle crash, suffered burns when his bridge control panel blew up in his face, experienced partial atmospheric decompression, suffered from induced mental instability, been bitten by two venomous animals and had the control of his body taken over by an alien parasite. That’s before the recent plague and this away mission."
Dahl, Redshirts

Touma: [steps on and breaks his phone after tripping]
Index: Your right hand... I think it has something that erases good luck and divine blessings. Just by your right hand being in contact with you, you'll keep encountering an endless wave of bad luck.
"It is reported that when a name would be presented to Napoleon for promotion to general, his question was always the same, 'Is he lucky?' [Ambrose] Burnside would never have made it in that army."
— "The Crater: The Mine" by William R. Forstchen, How to Lose a Battle: Foolish Plans and Great Military Blunders ed. by Bill Fawcett

Vila: Why don't I ever win?
Avon: Being a born loser might have something to do with it.

"If he became an undertaker, people would stop dying."
Mario Andretti joking about fellow Formula One driver Chris Amon

Bad luck followed me. If I went on a fair ground ride, it would break. If I wanted an ice cream, guess what? The freezer's broken, will soup do instead? Technology was always a no-go; laptops and computers fell victim to viruses the moment I touched them. The number of dresses ruined by cars driving through muddy puddles in front of me, the earrings I lost because they fell out my ears, number of hair bands I broke. The shoes thrown away because I couldn't get rid of the stench from having stepped in dog poo.
My life was like I had broken hundreds of mirrors while stepping on a crack in the pavements whilst thirteen black cats charged around knocking over salt shakers.
Jinx, Changing Luck

"Hahahaha! Things never turn out your way, do they?"
Kismet to Setback, Sentinels of the Multiverse

Yeah, first place! Oohhh... I couldn't dodge that blue shell. That's okay, second pla- red shell? Okay, fourth place isn't- another red shell? Sixth place is pretty good, I mean you get a star- oohhh... ninth place. I mean, I can make a comeback- ooh, bullet bill... last place. Okay, it's okay, it's okay, I can make a comeback, actually- eleventh place took my item box. *Groans in frustration*

"My secret to winning coin flips is to just let JaidenAnimations pick first"

"Nowadays, she bets against her own instincts to try to figure out where to bet because she is THAT unlucky."

"Being unlucky sometimes may be seen as something not favorable, something you don't want to happen, but I’m starting to think of it as a gift. I protect those around me. I’m like a sponge. I absorb the bad luck so that my loved ones, my friends, my family can be lucky, happy, and... not unlucky."

"My whole life has been nothing but a whirlwind of bad luck and failures. Since I was 6 months old, when I fell from the 9th floor of my apartment building, I've been hit by all sorts of vehicles, gotten sick from all sorts of foods, failed at almost every test I've ever taken, experienced almost every kind of disaster, and never won or even tied at a game of Tic-Tac-Toe! My life has really been nothing but a string of disasters."

"Connor believed himself to be the unluckiest man to ever walk the face of the earth. He'd lost his wallet no less then 12 times. Deep puddles of mud tended to attract his foot like magnets, or cars to drive by and soak him head to toe. He often found himself in the most ridiculously unfortunate circumstances possible. Locked out of his house, naked. Trapped in an elevator for 12 hours. Trapped in a revolving door for three hours. Trapped on an ESCALATOR for two hours (don't ask how that one happened, it's a sore spot for him)."
Fine Irish Lass by The Transformistress

"Did you know that Charlie Brown has never pitched a winning baseball game? Never been able to keep a kite in the air? Never won a game of checkers... and never successfully punted a football? Sometimes, I marvel at his consistency."
Schroeder, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brownnote 
