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Quotes / Blood from the Mouth

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"So how's your own blood taste? I bet that's the first time that pretty face of yours has ever been hit!
Guts after punching Griffith, Berserk

Gonna wiz red...

Ross: Oh no! it's that time of the month! it's your mouth-period!
Barry:M-my mouth period...Mouthstruation.
The cast's response to this trope in Hyper Light Drifter, Steam Train

"I think I've been poisoned by my constituents!"
Charlie Kelly after vomiting fake blood, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Minkowski: Woah... Eiffel, maybe you should sit down?
Eiffel: (violent coughing, gagging)
Eiffel: Oh... Well that's not good...
Minkowski: That's... That's a lot of blood...
Wolf 359, Lame-O Superhero Origin Story

Both were bleeding, Kara from one side of her mouth, U-Ban from a nose that had run into her knee.

Below her was the unmoving, unconscious form of Satan Girl, a trail of blood leaking from one corner of her mouth, and Drang, whose magic bolt had gone through the space which she occupied a nanosecond before.

I remember thinking there was so much... too much... too much for a bit lip or a cut gum or a sore throat, and it sure as hell wasn't going to clear up by lunchtime. I was just wondering what it really was when confusion turned to fear... at first I thought I was choking. This time it wasn't blood, and it wasn't snot. Wasn't even liquid.
I'd just spat a piece of myself into the sink.
Constantine realizes he has lung cancer, Hellblazer: The Beginning Of The End

Scott: No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead.
Stiles: Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next.
Teen Wolf, "Night School"

Killer: I think he's dead! I see blood around his mouth!
911 Operator: Okay, where is he?
Killer: He's in the bedroom and the door's locked! I can't get in!
911 Operator: Let me get this straight: The door is locked but you can see the blood around his mouth...?
Forensic Files

Plastic Man merely insinuated himself between Batman and the spy and wrapped himself about Faraday like a red-clad constrictor and held him firmly. The captive was starting to convulse. A slight bit of blood dripped from one of his nostrils.
"Be careful, Looker," said Batman. "Possible cerebral damage."

Constantine spat blood into the bathroom sink. And then a little more. And then a long hacking cough - and more blood came up and he spat that, too, and washed it down the sink with water. There goes my life, bit by bit, down the drain.
He was pretty sure it was going to be a rough day. Because the morning sucked big-time. Today's the first day of the end of your life...
